Random Photos 19

Just a few random photos taken over a week or so…

First is the sky after a storm passed over our city. It really depends on the storm whether there’s anything to see. This was a localized pop-up thunderstorm, so there was plenty of sky breaking through the storm clouds after it passed.

Crutcho Creek has some limited flood control on it. This is a gate that, when closed, simply raises the water level up stream. I’ve never seen it used, but it is maintained and storm flotsam removed from time to time. I won’t tell you where it is because, officially, photography is restricted in this area.

This is just one narrow end of the new Pratt & Whitney plant still under construction a couple of years after starting. This is out near Draper Lake, which in turn is very close to Tinker AFB. The base has somehow become a major maintenance depot for various aircraft, and this new plant is part of that ongoing centralization. Indeed, the base began life as a Douglas aircraft factory for WW2.

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2 Responses to Random Photos 19

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    “I won’t tell you where it is because, officially, photography is restricted in this area.”

    Cheeky! Do you know why it’s restricted? I don’t know the laws around photographing infrastructure type of things.

    • ehurst says:

      Well, there are restrictions like that around military bases, most federal facilities of other types, etc. Some state government facilities might be restricted, depending on the nature of it.

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