The Home of Christ

In one video on his YouTube channel, Heiser reveals that he is blue-pilled about the feminist cult in America. That’s what we would have expected, since he remained a part of mainstream churchianity.

For this reason, he rejects the notion of learning from the ancient Hebrew culture. Otherwise, he would have to embrace the idea that the Old Testament Law reflected something fundamental to human nature, and was not simply something that died on its own. He sets aside Paul’s admonition to “rightly divide” the Old Testament.

The Radix Fidem community teaches that we can learn a lot from the cultural packaging of the Law of Moses. We don’t ape the details, but we seek to grasp the fundamental nature of what those cultural elements tell us about human flesh.

It is the Hebrew culture that teaches us we do not obey Scripture on the basis of utility. While most of the time adhering to revelation does put us in the blessings, this obedience is its own reward. It is a privilege in itself. Even if the worldly outcomes are unpleasant, we must be committed to faithful obedience. Being able to crucify your fleshly nature and dismiss this world is a high privilege.

However, we always reaffirm the general promises of God that, we who walk in the Covenant will typically harvest advantages denied the rest of the world. Do you understand that the vast majority of church folks are not under divine covering? They cannot have full peace with God.

Peace with God is a Covenant birthright. You must be standing in the right place for the blessings to fall on you. It’s our duty to go where they are, and that’s what the Covenant does: It shows us the boundaries of God’s camp. We are obliged to dig into Old Testament law and culture to grasp the full nature of those boundaries.

I encourage folks to invest the time to watch the videos on his channel, but don’t buy everything he says. Do your homework, and if you lack the broad background, feel free to ask questions of those who do have it. Don’t be afraid to disagree with me, for that matter. No one displaces Jesus Christ in our hearts.

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One Response to The Home of Christ

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    “this obedience is its own reward. It is a privilege in itself.”

    Yessirree. It’s a sign that we’ve been shown a way to get back into His favor. Normal people would understandably balk at having the privilege of having boundaries placed upon them. “What good is going to do me?” They’d have to be awaken first before noticing that there’s a debt to be paid.

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