Truth No Hindrance to Oppression

Whether through the fraud of Global Warming taxes or some other mechanism, oppression is not going to suffer the slightest hesitation in the coming days.
Whenever any particular group of people gain some economic ascendancy, regardless how it happens, they will use their wealth to purchase the power to keep their ascendancy. It’s not enough they keep theirs, but the fallen human instinct is to make sure others don’t get any. That’s what history proves again and again.
I believe we have been given a mandate from God to take care of His Creation. Even after the Fall, wherein nature is subjected to all sorts of vanity and human lusts, and knowing beyond all doubt He will return and destroy the universe as we know it, there is no excuse for poor stewardship of this fallen world. My ranting about the moral fabric of the universe includes the necessity of respecting Creation as a gift from God.
But we can’t rely on outright lies in proceeding to take care of this world. Global Warming is a lie. It’s been proved false again and again, but it keeps coming back. There is a heavy vested interest in using this propaganda as a means to clamping down on the economic choices available to you and I.
Even if we managed to bury this crap once and for all, it will not stop the oppression and tyranny. They will simply find another lever to pull. It’s coming; count on it. In this case, I insist they will succeed, and any revolt will be feeble, at best. The only revolutions we see will be false ones, which actually serve to advance the Illuminati rule. We will have a crushing global government as evil as all your worst nightmares, though I warn it is not precisely what we have been led to expect. The images drawn up for us are almost universally mistaken, because they are sponsored by the same folks who are going to be doing the ruling. It’s to create fear and dread, but also to keep us distracted from the bigger picture.
Don’t get too excited if we win this battle, because the war is just begun.

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