This is the other half of my pastoral message from a few days ago. While people fret too much about things which simply cannot happen, they don’t pray enough about things sure to happen, ugly things no one wants to believe.
Consider all the hideous things we claim other nations have done. Romans burning people as torches to light up their evening chariot rides in the garden, feudal thugs drawing and quartering people alive, Persians tossing people alive into hungry lion pits, taking all the food and letting people starve, force marching folks across horrific terrain in bad climate conditions, etc.
Now think about the hideous tortures our own people have done to others. Waterboarding was pretty tame compared to the things we weren’t told about.
They are bringing all that home. You and I will be subject to things no man has ever done to any other man anywhere else in human history. They’ve gotten it down to a fine science, very advanced technology. You should not imagine there is any inkling of restraints, anything they won’t do.
Granted, most of us won’t see the worst of it, but it will be waiting there if you cross the wrong people. Meanwhile, it is the official policy of the US government to encourage police brutality in every location within US territory. Did you know that? I never quite understood why the only specialty open to me when I enlisted for the second time was Military Police. Because of my unique assignment in Europe, I was exposed to a lot of stuff never published outside some pretty tight controls. I learned about the changes in federal law enforcement policy from back-channel “official” rumor sources back when it was in the planning stages, during the 1980s. Not in so many words, mind you, but anyone with half a brain cell knew what it meant. Having police routinely beat and humiliate ordinary people for no particular valid law enforcement reason was what they wanted to see happening on the streets of every American city and town. In other words, the ordinary police forces throughout the country were being turned into terrorist organizations.
Now, you could have learned all this if you had really wanted, had you been interested and curious. Sure, it would mean sorting through a lot of background baloney. There has been a pretty high noise to signal ratio. Still, with a proper measure of skepticism and cynicism, you would have figured it out some time ago. However, just in case that’s not enough for you, I’ll tell you this comes as a prophetic word of warning from God:
You, ordinary American citizen, will become prey to the most depraved government humanity has seen so far on this earth — the US government itself. The demons of Hell will feed on human misery like never before. This would be a good time to get as close to God as you know how, Americans.
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