Apolitical Christ

This is a prophetic warning.

You don’t have to care how I feel; God’s wrath will fall on people who drag His name through the political activist mud. Jesus could have been king several times over, but avoided it because He never meant to accept Satan’s offer on that mountain top. The whole point behind the Wilderness Temptations was a struggle over what kind of Messiah Jesus would be. The Devil really wanted Jesus to adhere to the Jewish Messianic Expectations and Our Lord refused, pointedly refusing to be a political ruler.

He’s still not interested in politics.

And how hard is it to understand the Temple veil being torn in two? That was no aimless accident, but a miracle from God signifying the permanent end of Israel as a nation. At the very least, how can anyone not understand Israel was ended largely because they refused the mission of revealing God’s Word as He demanded, but also because they simply refused to obey the Covenant? As long as they continue refusing to obey the Covenant, you can’t legitimately call it “Israel.” Not only that, but they have to obey the Covenant as Jesus taught it. Yeah, He was Israel’s Messiah, too.

A lot of breathless stories of Christians being persecuted is pure political hogwash. Ask yourself, “Cui bono?” Who benefits? It is no accident when some Christian pastor somewhere just happens to be persecuted by some political enemy of the US government. You don’t get to hear about persecution of Christians by the US government in foreign countries, do you? It happens more than you would believe. Jesus didn’t surrender to the political process, and neither should those who claim to follow Him. Most of those who warn of Christian persecution are political agents of the CIA or worse.

This world and all its political bullshit will be destroyed. Jesus and the Apostles all warned it would only get worse and worse until it was time to end it all. In case you don’t understand, America is currently the new face of the Beast of the Apocalypse. We are the world’s enemy; we do more to destroy peace and the livelihoods of humanity than any other agency on this planet. We are the chief agent of Apocalypse today.

“My Kingdom is not of this world,” Jesus said.

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