
Welcome to our virtual parish parlor. I am your host and parish elder. (Warning: The author is a total clown!)

(contact me by email: br073n@outlook.com)

Technically, I am an elder, one half of the biblical team of Two Witnesses — king and priest. An elder is rather like a king on far lower level, a sort of clan chief or head of household, and a pastor is more like a priest. However, we don’t have a pastor as such right now, and I am trained to handle those duties. Unfortunately this means I tend to operate rather like mainstream church pastors who tend to conflate the two jobs, even as I deny that is the best way to do things.

As an Internet Pastor I do whatever stuff any pastor might do with his parishioners when contacting them via the Net. I do lead a house church, but most of my congregation is actually geographically remote. I’ll offer the same services as much as possible, but my virtual congregation doesn’t belong to any organized religion, simply because I don’t either. I am legally ordained, but that’s just a way of satisfying state requirements. None of my parishioners need membership in anything; they aren’t even required to be Christians or religious at all. But they know I am and know what to expect from me. You may be able to extrapolate what an Internet Pastor might do. Just keep in mind that we have only a superficial resemblance to mainstream organized Christianity. You can learn more by clicking the heading “Radix Fidem” above.

I also write a lot of stuff about computers because that’s part of shepherding the flock on the Internet.

It’s all about the message. It’s possible some of my work will entertain you, but that’s not the objective. I’m not much concerned about copyright and digital rights as commonly conceived in our world. If you read this stuff and it speaks to you, make it your own message. If you sense the need to use my particular string of words, do so. If you do, I want you to link to the source so people will know where you got it; they need the option of seeing for themselves if God speaks to them through this stuff, as well. If you make money from my words, God Himself would probably require you to make a donation to my ministry. There’s a tab for donations, too. This is all about God’s message, so He is the enforcer. It’s wholly unlikely I’ll come after you in any way.

Thanks for coming by.

11 Responses to About

  1. Congratulatons! You are winner of The Versatile Blogger Award. Stop by my blog for details (link to post below):


  2. Man knows how to give a honest-to-goodness direct answer. That’s why you have my vote.

  3. jOe faddell says:

    Dear Mr Hurst,
    I am Christian and a pensioner living in Cape Town, South Africa. I downloaded your book, “Not my Home” from the KOBO website.
    Here in Cape Town I have seen documentaries on a community TV station regarding the Shadow Government, the Bilderbergers, the CIA involvement in the collapsing of the Twin Towers, the “invention” of Al-Queda and some more. Many of them involving Alex Jones (http://www.infowars.com/)
    To see these topics in a book and “confirming” the various documentaries is refreshing and “can’t-put-down” reading. I really enjoyed reading your book. Keep up the good work.
    I am also a LINUX user, supporting the first South African to go into space, Mark Shuttleworth, who has invested in UBUNTU LINUX.
    God bless you. jOe faddell

  4. zooeyibz says:

    Thanks for visiting Cila Warncke Writer. I’m delighted to discover your site. Best wishes.

  5. thenovelist says:

    A mystic… interesting.

  6. Reba says:

    Hi, have been reading your blog for awhile and enjoyed it. How do you view Jeremiah 17:9?

    • Ed Hurst says:

      I suppose your question has to do with our emphasis on the heart-led way and the English translation of that passage suggesting the heart is the problem. I take the position that common English translations of this verse are misleading. The Hebrew language was never meant to be so precise as we make English out to be; context is everything. In this context, Jeremiah is condemning the fallen human nature, and speaks of the utter necessity of depending on God. In this context, it would be better to translate the Hebrew leb as human consciousness, or human will. Your will is self-destructive unless it’s centered on the Lord.

      I offer a longer explanation here>

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