High Trust Is the Devil’s Playground

This is connected to The Inherent Impurity of Monsters posted yesterday; this is a corollary.

Our Radix Fidem community is familiar with the important truth behind high-trust and low-trust social structures. We keep warning folks that, while a high-trust society is more comfortable and conducive to material prosperity, it’s not the way the Bible looks at the world. The Covenant has always been aimed at creating a high trust in the Lord, and no more than moderate trust in each other.

You cannot trust yourself. More specifically, you are two people in one, a fleshly mortal being and an eternal being. You cannot trust your fleshly nature; it will consistently lead you wrong. You’ll spend the rest of your life trying to discipline the flesh. If you try hard enough, and live long enough, you may be able to instill enough discipline that others can hold a moderate trust in your flesh. Few get there.

When are you are in the company of the few who have pushed that hard for some years, then you call them “elder” in one sense or another, because they can be trusted somewhat. They are reliable enough that you don’t watch them like a hawk, but also don’t revere them as somehow “holy” and untouchable. Wise elders always keep people around who will not hesitate to set them straight. Wisdom means not trusting your own flesh, ever.

As James said in his letter to Hebrew believers: Temptation is not externally sourced (James 1:13-25). It always comes from within. God doesn’t “allow” temptation, but He does commission testing. The weak spot is in you already. You are tempted because you have a fleshly nature. This is the ancient Hebrew understanding; it’s behind the teaching of Jesus, and His brother learned it well.

Modern church leaders get into trouble because they can. They live with temptation day and night, and the Devil is going to use his lackeys to make those compromising offers. The only way to keep your hands clean is to keep them exposed to people who know you.

It is human fleshly stupidity to seek, or even permit, the company of sycophants. They should give you the willies. Keep them at arm’s length; it’s called “holy cynicism”. An elder/priest should be eager to keep the low-trust social structure of the Covenant alive. This is why the Old Testament is loaded with low-trust protocols. A high-trust social structure is the Devil’s playground.

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The Inherent Impurity of Monsters

If you don’t embrace the Doctrine of Divine Election, then this blog isn’t going to offer you much. I take it seriously; it’s a necessary prerequisite for almost everything I write. Naturally, it’s a fundamental element in any criticism I offer to the mainstream, Big Eva in particular.

If you believe in Election, then it changes everything. The whole image of what a church does changes. There is no task so important as teaching the members of the body how to love each other. And in case you missed it in previous posts: That demonstrable love is evangelism. Everything else you say and do will mean nothing compared to that one factor.

Thus, the whole raison d’etre of every organized church body is to work on this one thing of learning how to love the way Christ loves His followers. That is the core of the Covenant of Christ; it was the one and only “law” He stated shortly before His death. Naturally, loving the Father is the a priori prerequisite, but it is assumed by the definition inherent in “loving as God loves”. You cannot know His love without loving Him.

The Body of Christ grows when the Elect see the kind of love they need in their lives. It calls to them. That’s the whole mission. Whether or not it draws anyone else is not the point; the only reason we do anything is to draw closer together with other elect folks. That’s the ultimate power in the universe; it is the essence of spiritual warfare against evil in every high place, both human and eternal.

Every week some new event shows up in church news about this or that monster church. It’s an abomination that monster churches exist. To build one requires a mindset that ignores Election and the mandate to love as Christ loves. There is way too much going on that cannot be justified under Election and love from the Cross. In order to build a monster church, you have to abandon that foundation and build on something else.

We live in the age when the Father calls to Himself those who worship Him in spirit and in truth, not in massive temples fixed in one place or another. There is no excuse for investing money, resources and manpower in those massive temples. There is no excuse for leaving the simple tribal-feudal association of people who gather with priest and elder to reaffirm what Christ has done and said.

Sure, you can have senior elders who coordinate between multiple bodies, but no group should be bigger than one leadership team can know, and know well, one on one. If there are people in the church body they don’t know well, and that don’t know them well, and the way things are conducted does not remedy this, then there are too many people in that body.

Whence comes the temptation for secret dealings that result in corruption in monster churches? It starts by having an organization and facility large enough to hide sin. It starts when the leadership have so much to organize and manage that they can be remote from any part of the congregation. When any portion of the church body can’t get close to know what the leadership smell like when they need a bath, then the organization is too big. (Think about that on more than one level.)

The Covenant has always rested on having people who live in each others’ armpits. A covenant cannot work any other way. If you have a senior elder, then all the junior elders need to be in his armpits; the same goes with a priesthood. Everybody needs to be totally exposed to multiple people who will hold them accountable to the Covenant.

The secrecy is rooted in a felt need to protect something other than the Covenant and the covenant family’s love. If it’s possible to get away with sin, even for a very short time, then you are doing something very, very wrong on the way there.

There’s more…

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Fear Porn Marketing

I always glimpse at Corbett Report, but seldom find it worth my time because he’s trapped in the loop on trying to make the world a better place. Still, once in a while he says something that is going to endure across the ages. In this podcast interview Corbett says a couple of those things.

1. Everyone draws their “crazy line” differently. We all have one, a boundary beyond which we consider it crazy nonsense to go. The reason Corbett doesn’t draw my interest is that he draws my ministry outside his crazy line. I’m not complaining; I’m explaining why I don’t bother with most of his output. (The other reason is that I consider his partner, Pilato, inexcusably annoying; I’m convinced he does it on purpose.)

2. Much more important is that the podcast host and Corbett both agreed that there is some senseless obsession with fear porn (they didn’t call it that) in the dissident media. Every day, the dissident media comes up with a bunch of warnings about what They are doing to us. It’s a very addictive thing for audiences. What few notice is that it makes you feel helpless unless you have plans to act illegally. And of course, all of that becomes steered in certain directions that constitute a kind of trap.

And Corbett touched on why this dominates the alternative media: (a) It’s a sales pitch and (b) it’s exactly what TPTB want us to believe, that we are helpless. This is why I say that people like Alex Jones are “controlled opposition”. They keep insisting that something is going to happen on this or that date, and it seems nobody notices that it never does. Instead, the announcer has moved on to some other threat. It’s all theater.

The other trick is that controlled opposition will always have one thing they simply refuse to talk about, something that is pertinent and an even bigger threat than the stuff they will discuss.

Corbett goes on to explain that there are really big shifts in the paradigms of life, and they do come rather suddenly. But he also insists that almost all of them were visible before they were thrust upon us. WW1 and WW2 were planned and executed by a the ruling classes of all the governments involved working together secretly, people who would not be hurt by the warfare. The fear porn vendors act as if every little thing is a paradigm shift, instead of pointing out how the thousand little fears together constitute a single complete plan.

Did you notice how COVID was used to establish the precedent that we will soon have to submit to digital tracking, not by advertisers, but tracking by government? Do you understand that this is why all those scammy services are coming around door to door in some places, offering a “free phone and cell service” to people who receive any kind of federal assistance? Yeah, that includes me with my VA disability and Social Security pensions. The whole point is that the nexus of tracking will be cellphones funded by some obscure government program. You cannot turn off the tracking or limit it in any way, by contract; the phone will be federal property.

(Side note: It’s crappy phone service, by the way. Lots of data limitations, etc. The free phone is junk, loaded with mandatory spyware and advertising, plus restrictions on the apps you can install. And it means only one resident per household gets that phone; everyone else has do without. You can’t even get the option to add lines at your cost.)

But that tracking is not quite here yet, in the sense that it is fully mandatory on everyone. There are bits and pieces of the plan still missing. We still don’t have universal cellphone availability just yet; that’s coming. And there needs to be at least one more major event to force it down our throats. Meanwhile, more and more standard services, including government services, require a cellphone to access.

The denial of access to places and contact tracing is only part of it. They still need a means to force all your activities to pass through that phone. There are too many other devices on the Net that cannot be controlled that way. It’s going to take time, yet. That’s the truth.

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Adding to Apocalypse

If this report is accurate, the situation in the Middle East should get far more complicated very quickly.

It’s the ultimate expression of Dispensationalism: Some Zionist Christian Americans helping some Zionist Israeli extremists get ready to build the Third Temple by providing red heifers meeting the qualifications for a sacrifice that is required. Supposedly those red heifers have already been shipped to Israel and the ritual should take place in about a week (April 22) on land in Israel that is line-of-sight to the proposed site of the Temple.

There is only that small matter of removing the current Muslim shrine there. How could that be a problem, eh? They call it the Dome of the Rock, the third holiest shrine in Islam.

I had almost forgotten about this project. I figured it had disappeared because it was impossible to do. Apparently the people involved are convinced this plan will be ritually valid.

The entertainment never stops.

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Biblical Feudalism 05

In this vein, we now return to the fundamental mission of the Covenant.

Christ commands us to go into all of the world and demonstrate the gospel. The problem is that this statement in English is weighed down with a burden of sheer nonsense. Western churchianity sees it as a form of cultural conquest. It constitutes an invasion of a foreign and non-Christian lifestyle.

Aside from some of the wording, what has passed for “missions” up to now bears no resemblance to the Covenant. Churchianity has displaced the genuine gospel mission, just as Judaism displaced genuine ancient Hebrew faith. The single biggest threat covenant people face today is the mainstream churches, even while that is our also our primary mission field.

The mainstream churches are all over the world. While our particular methods might be different from Paul’s, the mission will inevitably center on reaching out to them first, rather like Paul hitting the synagogues wherever he went. For us, the church folks are our first target, and we would expect the same basic mix of reactions Paul faced in the synagogues.

In the wider context, our hand is very weak right now. We have be careful; our methods must reflect that. Our public profile is virtually nonexistent. We would be lumped in with a rather small collection of weirdos who defy explanation, if we were noticed at all. We should be grateful for any publicity at all, good or bad, so long as it distinguishes us.

Let’s return to an issue that keeps coming up in the minds of many: Living the gospel message in front of every human on the planet is a mandate from the Creator. This is not an optional activity. Nobody in the world has a “right” to be left alone. They can ignore our message, but they cannot choose to keep us out of their community.

I’ll grant that God has made it clear there are times and seasons when His servants will avoid certain places and peoples. Those limitations are tactical and temporary. Long term, no place where humans live is exempt from our witness. The context defines what it means to “boldly proclaim the truth”, and the context determines how that message might be portrayed so that it can be received. We do not take our culture to them, but our faith in Christ. We bear a heavy burden of making sure we understand the difference, and that we understand the culture of the people to which we go. But go we must.

To the degree they strive to block our message, to that degree their lives are forfeit, right where they stand. Whose hand wields the sword against them is not the point here. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are appointed to this world, and living in peace is simply not an option without the Covenant. God reserves for Himself the authority to decide whom to send, where and when, to represent Him for either compassion or the sword.

But we do not go to conquer politically; the Covenant of Christ is quite unlike that of Moses in this one thing. We conquer spiritually. Our Elect brothers and sisters are out there, and it is our duty to find them and give them their just due opportunity to choose the Covenant. That’s what “divine justice” means.

When Jesus swung that whip in the Court of Gentiles, He had the authority of His Father, whose house stood within those courts. The foul and corrupt market was under His Father’s authority de jure. They had dared to step inside those boundaries with their evil. This placed their activities under Jesus’ covering.

You must first understand the feudal vassalage that God has placed in your hands. When you take any action at all, it must be in accordance with that grant from Heaven. Exercise your covering with vigor and persistence. Learn to recognize the movement in your convictions, and don’t let any human draw boundaries for you — unless you are under their covering. You will know in your heart when the Sword of the Spirit must manifest as a sword in the flesh.

If you are going to know God, then you will know Him first by His priorities in the context of your existence. The mission is to demonstrate those priorities and bring Him glory. Stop listening to the principles of men, and learn to hear the voice of God in your convictions. Christian faith and mission is not what the mainstream churches say it is. And by no means is it what the broader human authorities claim it should be. If God does not lead you personally, then you have no mission.

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Biblical Feudalism 04

If this study is not already challenging enough, it gets even more difficult the farther up the path you go.

The question becomes, “What shall we do when…?” Again, I cannot decide what is right for you. I have a mandate from God to share certain things He has put in my heart, but how people respond is His problem, not mine. When His hand moves in ways that leave me standing alone in the Covenant, that calls for one kind of lifestyle. When my faith sees a small covenant family grow, that’s another. As the covenant community grows, it then calls for yet another context with a different lifestyle.

How we interact with the world around us will also vary widely with the situation. When we have a strong hand, we do one set of things. When we have a weak hand, we do another set; the methods of the mission change. Solomon understood this well when he said there was a time for everything, “to everything a season.”

The issue here is not specific planning, but knowing where the moral boundaries are. We seek to study where the boundaries should be, not what plans to make. Nobody in their right mind would seek to organize concrete active responses via the Internet. What follows is strictly theoretical, a frame of reference for you to check against your own personal convictions. I’m trying to explain what I see in the Covenant.

We do not set out to conquer the world. Even if God dealt us a strong hand, we would refuse to rule outside of our own community. By the same token, we should not hesitate to respond with force to certain kinds of threats on the small scale. If I knew the Christian family down the road was at risk of having their children taken by force, I would certainly pray and consider ways to defend them. At the same time, I would have already warned people that the current atmosphere shares much with the Roman oppression Paul referred to when advising people not to get married. Jesus Himself suggested that having children during times of tribulation was a very heavy liability (Matthew 24:19).

What kind of threats do we see against the Covenant?

In broad general terms, secularism is so self-destructive that we need not do too much except stay out of the way. The threat profile is not that difficult to face. No, I would not hesitate to kill some commies, but it depends on their intentions and the leverage they possess at the time. The question is both strategic and tactical.

Islam is a wholly other story. Muslim behavior is uniform in one thing: When they feel strong, they will begin to conquer without fail. Once they get to that point, there is no going back until their numbers are reduced significantly and they are scattered. Islam appeals to something in human nature that no other “ism” does, and it will be a thorn in our sides until Christ returns.

On a broader community level, warfare of one kind or another is the best answer in almost every case, but the threat doesn’t justify attacking them in their own lands until they do reach out to conquer. Keep an eye on how they choose to engage in conquest, and answer that wisely. Meanwhile, they never immigrate; that’s just a term to cover invasion. As others like to say, sink the Muslim refugee boats. There is no condition under which they are not a threat as Muslims. Slaughtering them is not a sin, but refusing to recognize non-Muslims in their population is.

The threat of Judaism to the Covenant is much more nuanced, since it’s really an ethnic identity instead of an “ism”. In broad general terms, historical attacks on the Jewish community were mostly justified. I might argue with why the attackers moved or when, and I might suggest they should have chosen a different approach, but the Jewish elite have knowingly provoked every attack on their own Jewish people. It’s an integral part of their fundamental reason for keeping their Jewish identity. They can be your friends only when they have renounced that identity.

Other ethnic groups are dangerous. You should never make friends with Kurds who maintain a strong ethnic identity. The same goes with a lot of other people rooted in the lands bordered by Russia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe — the various “stans”. The issue is the ethnic identity. They all are wholly untrustworthy; they’ll act friendly only when you have more money than they do. Gypsies are part of this.

The same goes for Hindus; it’s more of an ethnic tribal identity than a religion. The same is true of Africans in general, as long as they cling to their African identity (regardless of what they call it). Tribal racism is what it is. They are pagans with no functional conscience.

East Asians are a different kind of problem. China in particular is a long term threat to the Covenant, but any action requires truly understanding their motivations. Some of what they do is actually sensible and beneficial to human life. Asian communism is not just any old communism; it’s a whole library of study and I will not try to summarize it here, but they are a problem for covenant people.

But you shouldn’t think I’d let white people off the hook. Today, the single greatest representation of whatever white northern Europeans once were is the American culture. Granted, it’s now polarized between left and right, but neither is conducive to covenant living. That’s because both extremes share the same basic identity. Regardless of how you slice it, the entire gamut of Western Civilization is inherently feminist. It has always been there; the fruit we see now ripening was determined by the seeds planted long ago.

Americans will lie, cheat and steal under the false cover of laws carefully constructed to make it legal, taking everything you have and telling you that you love it. They will seduce you with the most unconscionable debauchery; America could teach Sodom and Gomorrah a thing or two. Fortunately, this is a self-destructive thing, and it will end quite definitively soon. But so long as “America” lives, it is a threat to genuine covenant faith. Their materialism is the fundamental nature of their threat profile. Selective violence does work against them, but the best move is to stay out of the way.

I’ve often warned that you must not see war and conflict as inherently sinful. Rather, clashing is inherently human. It’s part of mortality itself and we are not forbidden from engaging such things. Until you can explain why Jesus cracked the whip in the Temple, you cannot comprehend what part violence plays in the Covenant of Christ. There is such a thing as righteous bloodshed, and it has nothing to do with supporting any human government. It may well coincide with state-sponsored acts of war, but it should be evaluated on a wholly different level.

Finally, I’ve said this before: The Bible does not see a problem with terrorism. It actually saves lives, if that matters to you. If you think it doesn’t work, then you don’t understand why foreign armies never stay in places like Afghanistan. Don’t be bound by your enemy’s rules. If something warrants taking action, then you do whatever it takes to remove the threat. The only question is analyzing what is required for the given threat. There is no biblical prohibition against terrorism in Scripture; that false idea comes from prissy scolding elites. They don’t want competition.

The Covenant of Christ is not an ethnic identity; it displaces such a thing. You must renounce all human identity to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You cannot limit who might be your brothers and sisters in Christ. The only thing that binds us together is a commitment to God’s glory. This is the one thing we would defend with human means. The default is that we would choose martyrdom, but there are situations where a defense of some kind is appropriate for the Lord’s glory.

The default is to embrace martyrdom, but we must remain aware that there are contexts in which defending the family of faith is God’s will.

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NT Doctrine — Colossians 2

There’s a lot going on in this chapter. Translators note that this passage is loaded with ambiguous phrases, and too many English renderings follow a path that tends to obscure the depth of what Paul is saying.

As previously noted, the biggest issue is denying that Christ is the Son of God. Paul does not distinguish here between the Judaizer attack and the Gnostic one. It may well be that these two groups were working together in this particular region. Paul mentions Laodecia as part of the same community of faith. Even though none of these believers ever encountered the ministry of Paul firsthand, he still carries a heavy burden of concern for them simply because they belong to Christ.

He isn’t arming them for debate. Rather, he is prompting them to make the familial unity of Christians their single greatest defense. Stand together in your faith in Christ! What is this “mystery of Christ”? He conquered the flesh, and passed on to us His power to do so in our own lives. There is no mistaking that the denial of the flesh and this world is crucial to everything Paul says here. This is the real treasury of divine wisdom, not the nonsense cooked up by the philosophers and teachers of Judaism and Gnosticism.

It’s not about reasonable arguments; it’s about taking up your own Cross. This life is one big lie, and we must dismiss it in order to walk with Christ. But having received His Holy Spirit in our souls, we have everything we need to stand firm against any human reason. Paul does not attack erudition itself, but encourages his readers to make sure that the content of that profound knowledge is the truth Jesus taught.

Both Judaism and Gnosticism were rooted in the flesh, and the assumptions that this world is all there is. This is at least part of what Paul means in referring to the Aristotelian logical foundation, using the term “elementary” or “rudimentary” principles of this world. It flatly denies that Jesus could rise from death, because there was no Spirit Realm in which He could wait to reclaim His body, and no spirits to inhabit such a realm.

Starting in verse 9, Paul hammers once again on bold and clear statements of doctrine. There is no useful distinction between Christ and God. When Jesus walked on the earth, it was as much of the very Presence of God as this world could have — God in the flesh. And because He returned to the Father, His Spirit is able to live in all of us at the same time. There is no higher authority, so pay no attention to the Jewish or Gnostic appeals to lesser authorities. The God of Creation lives in us.

Then Paul refers to spiritual circumcision; not just a clipping of some small bit of skin, but detaching our spirits from our fleshly nature. The fleshly nature is not our real selves. The baptism ritual was a declaration of feudal submission to Christ; the symbol was that the flesh dies and our spirits are raised to join Christ in His resurrection.

His voluntary death on the Cross defeated the grip of flesh on our souls. He broke that power by His willingness to pay the awful price. We are no longer captives of our fallen natures. We participate in His life in Heaven. Then Paul shifts to legal terminology, referring to a writ of debt filed as a hostile action against us. That writ was nailed to the Cross and died with His flesh.

In so doing, He confiscated the weapons of every authority, in Heaven and on Earth, rendering them harmless against us. His victory over the fleshly nature put them to shame; all their claims on us were suddenly a laughingstock.

Now that our fleshly natures are dead, there is absolutely no sense in binding the flesh under all the legalistic rules of the Talmud or the ethics of Gnosticism. Why worship angels, when we have direct access to the Creator? This is what holds us together, a bond far stronger than the fleshly birthright claims of Jews. Their silly rules are nothing more than a racist ethnic pretense of belonging to a God that has disowned them. Their self-righteous attitude about their silly rules is all they have.

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Biblical Feudalism 02

Right from the start, I inserted into this discussion that God’s will is inherently tribal as well as feudal.

On the level of the flesh, God has divided us into tribal identities. The intellect rebels at the thought, but the Bible is quite clear on this. God insisted at the Tower of Babel that humanity will be tribal and nationalist. Attempts to pull humanity together into a generic frame of reference is a flat rejection of God Himself. Not only are we to cultivate ethnic differences, but we are to celebrate living in separation from other ethnic identities.

If you imagine the Cross changed that, then you aren’t paying attention to what the New Testament actually says. Don’t inject your preferred intellectual assumptions into the phrase “one in Christ”. We are one in the Spirit, not in the flesh. The task of organizing churches as human entities rests on first being tribal and feudal. The Cross did not dissolve the Father’s command at the Tower of Babel. Churches must be decentralized and tribal-feudal in order to implement Biblical Law.

The Lord Himself appoints the leadership of His Body. Without digging into the details at this point, the net result remains very shaky in human terms, but that’s how He gets things done. It’s all miracles, not human will. A fundamental question is, “Which human is in charge of this body?” It is a feudal family structure, and anyone who wants to join in must be able to play the role of family member.

This means that the new member will make themselves comfortable with whatever exists, and will seek to make the rest comfortable with whatever they bring to the table. Granted, this job is never complete, but it is a fundamental part of the living dynamic that we will all deal with a certain amount of human frustration. And the feudal head of the body is the primary deciding factor. What can he live with? He is appointed by God, not the members. The members join him.

If you cannot tolerate the choices of the leader, then maybe you have been called to lead a body yourself. Or maybe you haven’t found a leader you can tolerate. Or maybe you have some work to do learning how to get along. And it could be something else, but the point here is that conflict is inevitable; it is part of the whole package. The whole mission of the church is wrestling with the inevitable conflict, not pretending that the conflict can ever be vanquished.

No, you cannot make rules to prevent conflict. However, Biblical Law has pointed to some rules for doing conflict. Get this: Human conflict is a given. It is the setting in which human life if lived. It is not just typical; it is the norm. Conflict is essential to living.

Thus, a fundamental question is first deciding what is worthy of raising as essential conflict and what can be shelved for some other time and place. If the human head of the body doesn’t want to deal with something important to you, call on God for guidance first. Then decide if it justifies leaving his covering, because God did not appoint you to destroy any family household of faith. Rebellion is a sin.

By now it should be obvious that if you endeavor to join a covenant family household of faith, bringing with you a strong human ethnic identity could be a primary source of conflict. The basic principle is a two-edged sword: You can and should try to add something to the body. You should not try to change the ethnic climate of the body. If you cannot avoid the urge to redefine the ethnic climate of the body, then you don’t belong there.

And should you find yourself itching to compel some kind of change by leveraging power from outside the body, then you had better repent and stop listening to demons. There is nothing wrong with proliferating small bodies of faith; there is nothing wrong with dividing from each other to create a new witness to divine truth. There is a functional distinction between conflict and hostility. Conflict is inevitable; hostility is rejection of your brothers and sisters.

And the New Testament word “love” (agape) does not mean you must put up with behavior that hinders and disrupts, never mind the source. You can love your brothers and sisters just fine — you can hold them in high regard as a part of God’s treasury — without having to stand in their brand of worship. You shouldn’t condemn what works for someone else, but you can condemn something that departs from the recorded character of God.

And you need not rely on someone outside your covenant family to define the boundaries for what that means.

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Biblical Feudalism 01

If you understand that the only reason we exist in a fallen world is to glorify our Creator, then a major question is, “What should we do?” The Bible as a whole seeks to answer that question by offering examples of how God wanted things done in certain contexts. The biggest problem is getting a grip on the context, because without that, you cannot begin to understand why He said, “do this and not that”.

From beginning to end, the Bible assumes the context of ANE tribal feudalism. God chose this frame of reference. Had there been any point when something He said promoted any other form of human organization, we could say that the feudalism was a historical context. However, there is not a single reference to democracy of any flavor, nor any other political structure. Instead, there is a condemnation of any form of human organization except ANE tribal feudalism.

We must assume that the context for ANE tribal feudalism is Creation itself as a whole. The Cross did not change this. We evaluate all human activity from that perspective. Thus, anything that varies from that model is wrong from the start. If we approach God and His revelation from any other angle, we have failed. The Devil will have won in keeping us from God’s privileged blessings.

It turns out that this model has implications across the whole gamut of questions about what we should do in this life. Our duty to the Creator is to make use of whatever gifts He has granted to promote His ways. Now, while it is impossible for the human mind to comprehend the whole, the Bible itself demonstrates that there are ways to establish indicators of where to look for answers. You can internalize the outline to save time and respond quickly.

Never once in the whole history of biblical events do we see God laying down what we could call an “iron law” in the western absolutist sense. Everything is couched in terms of priorities and context. The flesh definitely prefers to deal in intellectual terms of iron law. That’s part of how the flesh promotes itself, by pulling things down to its own level. But the heart and spirit are designed to operate in terms of personal connection to God. If you cannot avoid thinking of God without thinking of iron law, then you have never met Him.

It’s not a question of finding God, but of discovering that the only way you can know Him is in your heart. He will not address your intellect, because it is fallen. He addresses only the heart. And just in case you forgot, that’s “heart” in the sense of your moral will, not in the western sense of “repository of sentiment”. Intellect is not simply useless on its own, but is quite dangerous until it is in subjection to the heart. Again: God can be encountered only in your heart, not in your head.

Once in service to the heart, the intellect can discern a pattern and structure of what constitutes the distinction between good and evil. In our hearts, we do not take our intellects too seriously, because intellect is inherently fallen. It is our equipment, but it not our self. It is untrustworthy and requires constant reinforcement, a constant reminder of its limits.

So, when you people ask questions about how we should do things, the meaning of what is good and evil in human conduct must first come from a heart-level moral reckoning. The heart tells the mind what is good and evil, and the mind then attempts to incorporate that ruling in its structure and implementation. There are limits to the mental ability, and this why the heart must keep reminding the brain that it does not understand fully, and never will.

So, when I use the term “Biblical Law” I refer not to some iron law, but to a structure of thinking that we already know is only an approximation. It reflects the priorities God has revealed in the Bible, and His personal preferences are the real issue. Not only that, but we should expect that, once we get into the task of living by His will, that it turns out His will is alive and active, not static and locked down. There are no propositions, only His Person. His Law is His own heart and character, and you had better keep an active link to His Spirit within you, or you will be wrong before you even start.

It’s not a sequence of events, but a logical sequence that you must first know the record of His preferences (AKA, the Bible) in order to get to know His Person. That is a major part of what biblical feudalism is all about.

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Summer Target

I’m expecting some really big developments by this summer.

Most of you probably already understand my frame of reference. The ultimate rulers of America in particular, and the West in general, are roughly equivalent to the neocons. Their money comes from banking, finance and the military-industrial complex. The latter has allies in medicine, Big Pharma, computer technology, all the various branches of the media, along with academia. In other words, they own everything. They are the de facto government.

Keeping the rubes in line, Big Eva is the whore of this Beast.

By now, you probably realize that our government is determined to have WW3. The don’t want to make it all blatant. Somehow, they imagine they can simply manipulate us into this with some alleged expertise and artistry of deception. They take a lot of pride in what they believe they have accomplished that way. They believe we don’t notice that American troops are already on the ground in places like Ukraine, and have been leading forays into Russian territory as murder squads. Yes, American troops are invading Russia already.

Now, I consider Zionism to be a side project of all this. But that doesn’t prevent us having boots on the ground in Israel, too. However, the Zionists are not exactly the same people as the neocons. The latter more-or-less permit the Zionist project to continue as long as it doesn’t get in the way. The modern State of Israel is expendable. But while it exists, it remains a marvelous weapon of distraction.

Not everyone in our government is on board with all of this, and the dissent over Israel’s war in Gaza is a major feature of the instability that the neocons are trying to use to destroy the US. The globalists are simply a front, allowing ideological organization and motivation for the lackeys of the neocons who lean left. The globalist leaders only imagine they are in charge.

The plans aren’t as precise, nor as tightly scheduled, as conspiracy theorists like to imagine. What the neocons are doing is provoking a whole lot of activism and allowing things to take their natural course. It won’t really matter what the globalists are trying to do; it will eventually fall apart because their agenda is simply not possible. The same with the Zionists — that project will eventually blow up, as well. The whole point is to destroy the West, one way or another.

I don’t believe it’s possible to read the cards currently showing and come up with a coherent image of where things are headed. The intellectual analysis is intentionally confusing. Some of what seems significant is fake, and too much that actually does matter is not yet visible.

Instead, it is a matter of my convictions that things are going to get substantially more insane here in the US, and that some of it will show up this summer. While I rather suspect it will have to do with warfare in places like Ukraine and Gaza, it could be anywhere. I’m expecting the next few months to see some level of military mobilization that cannot be hidden. The neocons are desperate to bomb Iran, so it would seem to involve that.

And I stand by my prophetic warning that God will ensure that any attack on Iran cannot prosper. Nothing specific, mind you, it’s only that the general outcome will be a disaster for America. I don’t doubt our military will do some damage, but the US will end up far worse for getting involved. Our military will be devastated.

The part about Iran is a prophecy; the rest is just my general heart-led convictions about things.

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