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Tag Archives: binary logic
Don’t Surrender the Battlefield
Every crusade is a diversion to prevent a genuine repentance of sinners. Once again: The biblical standard is exceptionally strict compared to what is generally portrayed as “morally good” in our world. Sex with anyone except your covenant spouse is … Continue reading
Posted in prophecy
Tagged Arminianism, Biblical Law, binary logic, Calvinism, human reason, legalism, Pharisaism, theological controversies, worldliness
Resting on the Lord Alone
The average America isn’t really much a thinker. They aren’t aware of their own legacy of intellectual pursuits. Classical education is mostly dead in the West. Among those who do tend to give some consideration to thinking logically, the vast … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged binary logic, heart-led, human reason, philosophy, quantum reasoning
Job 22
The debate sinks to the level of being preposterous. Eliphaz commits intellectual dishonesty to defend his untenable position. From the very start of this whole story, Eliphaz and his pals have perverted truth by pulling things out of context. Human … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged ANE, binary logic, civilization, eliphaz, intellectual dishonesty, Job, mysticism, philosophy, scripture
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Job 11
The starting point of moral wisdom is recognizing our minds are not equal to the task. When we understand the fullness of our fallen condition, we realize we cannot know the nature of things nor all the factors in any … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged binary logic, divine revelation, human reason, intellect, moral intelligence, reason
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Quantum Reality
Maybe you’ve heard of quantum computing. Maybe you know it has to do with being able to process exponentially faster than current binary digital systems. It has to do with giving a computer the ability to do multiple tasks at … Continue reading