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Tag Archives: christian mystics
Gossamer Thunder
I realize it all sounds like bullshit. You. You are the project. Not someone else and certainly not the world around you. No other part of this reality is of any real concern. Your reactions are what you need to … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged christian mystics, divine revelation, epistemology, intellect, mysticism, psychology, spirituality, Two Realms
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Our Catholic Friends
We don’t have to be enemies; we can turn a benign eye on any institution. The Roman Catholic Church is highly varied internally for the simple reason that it covers the whole world. The central identity is the institution and … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged Catholics, christian mystics, church hierarchy, mysticism, peace, religion, Roman Catholic Church, social stability
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Quantum Morality
Refer to the previous blog posts on Quantum Reality, and on the Psychology of Hearing from God. Christian Mystics are facing multiple conflicting streams of consciousness. It’s worse if you haven’t been at it long, because you are still dragging … Continue reading