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Tag Archives: compsec
Bits and Pieces 17
At various times you’ll see modern Judaizers. After two millennia they are still at it, trying to drag Christians back under the Talmud. They don’t like the academic label “Judaizers” and claim various other terms, but it changes nothing. The … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged browsers, compsec, computers, covenant of moses, hebrew culture, Judaizers, mortality, mysticism, scripture
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CentOS 7 Desktop: Unneeded Services
If you run Windows, you can find some really great advice from Black Viper about which services you need or don’t need and under what circumstances. Scroll down and check the page links he has. For quite some years his … Continue reading
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Tagged centos, compsec, computers, linux, redhat, RHEL, technology
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The Newest Online Privacy Threat: Canvas
As a part of the various options webmasters have for displaying content in your browser, something called “canvas” can also be used for tracking. In essence, the webpage can instruct your browser to draw a picture that is not displayed. … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged browsers, canvas, compsec, computers, JScript, privacy, technology
CompSec: The Other CIA
Computers are essentially the means to data storage and processing. In that sense, data has value. Never mind theories about money and store of value; data is its own kind of thing. The whole business of computers and networking is … Continue reading
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Tagged compsec, computer ministry, computer security, computers, Cybersecurity, data storage, technology
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FYI: Yet Another Risk Factor in Windows
Hackers have found a way to incorporate that highly advanced NSA-grade spyware into their criminal malware. Is anybody surprised? Where computer technology is concerned, my whole mission is enabling the transmission of truth. Anything that hinders that is my enemy, … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged compsec, computer technology, computers, government, NSA, technology, windows
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Mission Technology and Technology Mission
In terms of our meat space activity, the mission always comes first. Nobody said you can’t have hobbies and entertainment, but you must evaluate them as to whether they hinder the mission. No one ever really grows up to the … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged centos, compsec, computer ministry, computer technology, computers, mission, moral consciousness, software development, technology
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Computer Ministry Notes Mid-June 2104
It’s been a quiet few days. I spent the time upgrading my laptop to stronger network diagnostic and recovery tools, starting with installing CentOS 7. It’s currently all 64-bit, with none of the typical 32-bit support for now. This is … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged centos, compsec, computer ministry, computers, linux, redhat, tech support, technology, windows
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Quiet Times
I was hoping something interesting would happen during the past few days, but I must have missed it. We got one of those scam calls from someone claiming that our Windows computer was sending out bogus data, or something like … Continue reading
Posted in personal
Tagged compsec, computer forensics, computer ministry, linux, technology, windows
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Doing That Malware Boogie
And here I was thinking I might start pulling out of the computer ministry soon. I’m a low-level amateur technician. Not an expert, just a guy in the neighborhood who knows a little more than you do. Because of this, … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged compsec, computer ministry, computer tech support, computers, internet, technology, windows
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The Other Kind of Fireworks in July
Just an FYI, folks. I’m not sure what to make of it, but it looks like July might be more entertaining than mere fireworks at the local park. Maybe. My reading is pretty eclectic. I generally avoid the MSM because, … Continue reading
Posted in social sciences
Tagged compsec, economics, propaganda, resistance, survival, writing
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