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Tag Archives: culture
The Priority of Redemption
Let’s talk a little about a distinctly Christian culture. Following Christ means doing things the way He did them. On the one hand, we recognize that He lived in a specific context that isn’t ours. On the other hand, we … Continue reading
Not Good, Just Useful
Do you really understand what “tithe” in the Bible really means? It is restricted to food items, agricultural products. You cannot tithe any other kind of thing. Food is the only thing you can offer to God that He alone … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged culture, economics, politics, social sciences, tithe, Tower of Babel, tribalism
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GOP Lawsuit versus Google
This is going to fail: RNC Sues Google over Email Spam Filters. Let’s start with my background. I used to be a registered Republican voter, and somewhat activist, many years ago. I remain sympathetic to conservative policies simply because that … Continue reading
Some Little Items
1. Is it possible to rebuild a biblical culture on the earth? I wonder how many of you were aware that is precisely what I’ve been trying to do for the past 20 years of my life. We can talk … Continue reading
Discerning the Coming Changes
It may well be one of the shortest-lived civilizations in human history. How you characterize the past depends on what you value most today. Conventional Western analysis is just barely able to see certain turning points ahead, but only to … Continue reading
Posted in social sciences
Tagged civilizations, culture, future, Networked Civilization, social awareness, technology
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Trying to Control the Uncontrollable
It has been centuries since the world has seen a military force under covenant. Individual troopers can gain some limited measure of personal moral covering, but the institution itself is owned by Satan. Thus, any discussion of what the military … Continue reading
How Much Shalom?
How much shalom do you want? Sometimes you have to spell things out for people, because they can’t even think like heart-led people of faith. I’ve spent a lot of time studying the Hebrew culture and history specifically, and for … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged ancient hebrew culture, ANE, culture, marriage, shalom, worldliness
Clinical Evidence for Heart-led
Ref: The Seeds of Shalom Over the years I’ve reiterated the clinical evidence cited in my book, Heart of Faith, indicating that the heart has a sensory field of its own. While in theory that field extends outward to infinity, … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged ANE, convictions, culture, heart-led, human reason, mysticism, psychology, sensory heart
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Package Deal
Civilization is roughly defined as a set of rules and customs that enable cities. It enables people to live together in close quarters without killing each other. In other words, it is the Tower of Babel — yet another attempt … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged civilization, culture, peace, shalom, the Fall, Tower of Babel, tribalism
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