GOP Lawsuit versus Google

This is going to fail: RNC Sues Google over Email Spam Filters.

Let’s start with my background. I used to be a registered Republican voter, and somewhat activist, many years ago. I remain sympathetic to conservative policies simply because that has historically given me more religious freedom than progressive policies. Progressives are far more likely to hate my faith; conservatives tend to “live and let live”. What started my departure from the GOP was not my drift toward Christian Mysticism. Rather, it was the repulsive corruption of GOP political machinery that disappointed me to the point I was open to a more mystical understanding of things.

In other words, I am now anti-activist because of activist immorality. Again, I still wish that conservatives ran the country, but I know for certain that the Republican Party will not let that happen any more than the Democratic Party would. The political system in the US is wholly satanic regardless of which ideology you prefer. The ethnic Jewish agenda rules above both major parties. Both the globalist and neocon agendas are different covers for the same Jewish elite. The centerpiece of that agenda is to completely remove white people and their culture — northern European ethnicity — from the earth. That is because, in the main, white people are best equipped and most likely to resist Jewish attempts to enslave all Gentiles.

(It’s the culture, not the color. However, the cultural differences do arise from genetic predisposition. I don’t defend white culture by any means, only note the facts. The Jewish leadership is not stupid, just evil.)

This is the long tail of where I ended up today. I came to see that as part of my disappointment with the intractable lying and manipulation coming from the Republican party leadership. When I started searching for answers while sharpening my heart-led awareness, this is where it brought me. I hate the politicians, not the dreams of the people used to manipulate them. The honest truth is that nobody represents the interests of the conservative American middle-class voters.

People who pay attention to Google and her technology uniformly agree that Gmail filtering is almost entirely user controlled. The reason GOP fundraising emails end up in the spam folder is because recipients have marked such messages as “spam”. This lawsuit is going to blow up in their faces.

And people who pay attention to how spammers (“email marketers”) operate will tell you that trying to unsubscribe is utterly irresponsible. The global mass of systems administrators will tell you that spammers are a criminal bunch. The standard has always been: If you did not voluntarily subscribe, you should not be required to unsubscribe. If you try to unsubscribe, you will be punished by even more obtrusive and frantic efforts. Those efforts include a whole range of tricks to dump into your inbox an exponentially higher amount of spam designed to overwhelm filtering and other measures. I have been the victim of outright computer crimes because I dared to complain to someone’s provider about online harassment, to include spam.

Yes, there are demons on the Internet. Most of that spam and harassment came from folks who espoused conservative social and political ideology.

Google is more leftist, and has a lot of their own demons, but we need to point out the actual evil that Google does, not because you simply don’t like the outcomes. The technology world is loaded with evil, but there is nothing to gain from bogus lawsuits over things Google is not doing. The GOP fundraisers wallow in moral sewage and wonder why everyone says they stink. They fleece the people and only pretend to care about their real needs. They represent the very utterly worst of middle-class materialistic greed. Whatever evil we might see from the globalists and their Progressive activists in the streets is more elitist. Capitalism and communism are simply two wings of the same materialistic vulture.

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One Response to GOP Lawsuit versus Google

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    What a weird lawsuit. There’s so many other things they could bring Alphabet/Google to court for, but that email thing seems so…minor. I dunno. I’ll chalk it up to me not knowing a whole lot about litigation and the fact that there’s likely a ton of insider info that we don’t know about.

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