Prayer Request: Mission Work

I’m not asking for advice; I’m just sharing a burden.

Over the years that I’ve been promoting the Radix Fidem message, I’ve often been disappointed at how few seem to interact with it. Don’t get me wrong; I’m still utterly certain that the message is far more important than me. I’m not trying to get attention for myself. I actually don’t like that. I’d be glad to see this message promoted by others, and I don’t care what name they give it and don’t feel any need for credit.

This precious treasure is too rich to keep to just us few. It makes people morally wealthy, and we get to share in that. It’s more of what makes this life worth living.

But there’s another element to that odd sense that something’s coming up short. In the midst of praying that the Father would touch more people with this message, I also tend to feel like I’m just not doing enough. I keep wondering if there was something I could do differently. This message doesn’t consume enough of my time for me to feel like I’m performing my duty.

Thus, a part of what I’m praying about is that I want God to consume more of my time with His work. It seems to me that I have too much leisure, and I’m trying to fill it with things that may or may not contribute to the message. I keep looking for ways to use that time for more direct ministry action. I want a job; I don’t actually want to be retired.

At the same time, I want that work to be in ministry. I’ve spent plenty of time working on things that supported human activities in general, things that offered an economic return — for others at least, if not so much for me. None of that work ever offered much moral fulfillment. Indeed, it often left me feeling morally dirty and defiled. So I don’t want any more of that kind of work. I want work that directly glorifies His name.

Now that I’m on the threshold of receiving Social Security alongside my VA Disability, I can afford to ignore the pay aspect of work. Of course, my physical disabilities do limit my options. I’d be very happy to volunteer for plain old labor helping out in missions projects, but I simply cannot do enough of that to fit into any existing programs. I can stand on my feet only for short periods of time. I’ve already tried to volunteer for less labor intensive stuff, offering to fix computers for free, but there’s no market for that.

I’m asking you to pray with me that the Lord would put me to work in this message that weighs so heavily on my soul.

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2 Responses to Prayer Request: Mission Work

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    Prayers will be said! Keep us posted 🙂

  2. forrealone says:

    I feel as you do, Ed. I pray everyday that the Father will inspire/lead/give me a hint etc. of what to do with my time. A lot of it is spent taking folks to the doctor, store or whatever, but I do have time. Idle time doesn’t exist for me because I fill those minutes/hours with time with Him. He will let me/us know what His plans are when it is time, I believe. I too feel like I am wasting time, but He knows I/you are definitely available. So pray we will……

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