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Tag Archives: heart-led
A Reminder: Evangelism
As we prepare for the next wave of tribulation, can we summarize our evangelism? We aren’t trying to save this world. And there is nothing we can do about getting people into Heaven. Going to Heaven or not is entirely … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged Biblical Law, divine revelation, epistemology, evangelism, heart-led, Jesus Christ, otherworldly, worldliness
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Teachings of Jesus — John 16:1-15
Jesus prepares the disciples for the coming of the Holy Spirit. While He walked in this world as a human, it was His spirit alone. Once He arose into Heaven, it was possible to share His spirit with everyone who … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged feudalism, heart-led, Holy Spirit, John's Gospel, ministry, mortality
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Love and Law
When you take away familial warmth from a society, you destroy everything. That destruction is seldom immediate, so most people lack the ability to understand this with their intellects; it requires a heart-led consciousness. The problem for us today is … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged Biblical Law, divine revelation, government, heart-led, Law and Grace, Law Covenants, sacrificial love, scripture, Western mythology
Discernment 01: Unlearning
You will spend your whole life unlearning. The call to faith is the song of the heart, crying out to God for redemption. It’s the song that pulls us back to Eden. This path we follow is the whole thing; … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged Apostle Paul, Biblical Mysticism, heart-led, human senses, moral discernment, otherworldly, spiritual activity
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Teachings of Jesus — John 14:25-31
Jesus continues talking about returning to His Father’s Heavenly court to take up His co-regency. He explains how it will work for them. Jesus speaks to their hearts. The heart is capable of storing things away in memory for when … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged faith, heart-led, human intellect, John's Gospel, kingdom of heaven
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Predestination Is Not Election
The Doctrine of Election isn’t really in the Bible, but Sovereign Grace is. Keep in mind that the Scriptures were written mostly by Hebrew people. God designed their language and culture as the means to reveal Himself to fallen humanity. … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged ancient hebrew, divine election, grace, heart-led, predestination, theological controversies
What’s Wrong with Augustine?
(This is being cross-posted on both blogs.) A fundamental element in my personal sense of calling is putting the gospel message in reach of everyone. There are plenty of good servants of God who helped me along the way; most … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged heart-led, history, human intellect, philosophy, systematic theology, Western Church History
Teachings of Jesus — John 14:18-24
Jesus is still talking along the lines of returning home to His Father’s heavenly court to take up His co-regency. The disciples are still expecting a restoration of the literal Davidic Kingdom of Israel. Their blindness here is almost painful. … Continue reading
Resting on the Lord Alone
The average America isn’t really much a thinker. They aren’t aware of their own legacy of intellectual pursuits. Classical education is mostly dead in the West. Among those who do tend to give some consideration to thinking logically, the vast … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged binary logic, heart-led, human reason, philosophy, quantum reasoning