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Tag Archives: human futility
Interesting Times
I have come to believe that the elections, now just over 2 months away, simply aren’t that important. Yes, they will certainly affect us. Whichever bunch wins will have a lot to do with the flavor of our apocalypse, but … Continue reading
The Mythology of Evil
One of the biggest problems we face in promoting an ancient Hebrew outlook is the cluttered field of lies contained in western mythology. All the way back to Beowulf we have a string of powerful evil men who, using some … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged ancient hebrew culture, evil, human futility, mortality, pagan mythology, the Devil
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Rejoicing at Revelation
When you recognize the clear statements in the Bible on Divine Election, the implications are enormous. There stands this vast network based on the false Decision Theology that dominates religion talk, and it’s all a lie. We do not convince … Continue reading
Posted in prophecy
Tagged Apocalypse, Decision Theology, divine election, false perception, human futility, mainstream religion, the Cross, tribulation
Great Privilege and Expectation
The Word of God is Jesus Christ. In-depth studies of Hebrew lore that stood prior to His birth shows that the Hebrew scholars believed that God’s Word in the Unseen Realm was always a manifestation of His will, an entity … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged Biblical Law, divine election, Elohim Council, God's character, God's glory, human futility, Jesus Christ, mortality, Unseen Realm, Word of God
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Why and How of Evil
We all agree that what Israel is doing in Gaza is evil. The question is, Why is it evil? Keep in mind that, in the Bible, “evil” is defined in terms of context and outcomes. The word as used in … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged absolutism, Elohim Council, evil, human futility, Islam, Jews, Satan
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This Is Greatness
Humans have an extremely difficult time imagining their own insignificance. Here’s the logic: The moment you start to imagine that you and your actions can make any difference in the human condition is the moment you fail. The only thing … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged christian mysticism, Elohim Council, faith in God, God's glory, human futility, sanity, Satan, the Spirit Realm
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Reality Inherently Flawed
A lot of people struggle with this: Reality is variable between observers. It is utterly impossible to arrive at a single inclusive answer. It’s not a question of what is, but of how we must approach the question, and what … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged fallen nature, human futility, reality, science, speculation
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Do You Understand His Word?
I’ve read Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Series of novels. I believe Asimov has captured something of the essential nature of human striving. Now, Apple wants to produce a film version of his series (trailer here). The characters in these stories really … Continue reading
Posted in prophecy
Tagged civilizations, cynicism, human futility, otherworldly, propaganda, prophecy
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