Tag Archives: law

Just Thinking — Or Not

This is your chance to get to know me a little better. I share what follows as a consequence of my divine calling, but this is not central to my message. While there are prophetic elements, I’ll note carefully when … Continue reading

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Confusing the Two

The underlying mythology of our age is rabid materialism married to a grouchy Norse god. This god’s moods range between cold indifference and implacable rage, smiling only when he has played some heartless cruel trick on someone. We think of … Continue reading

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Babylon is Fallen

Babylon is fallen, but has not collapsed. Babylon is the fallen world of human commerce, of human achievement. It symbolizes unjust dominance and all the trappings of oppression. Dominance is not evil in itself because it’s essential to human nature … Continue reading

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Why Things Are So Messy

The heart is more than a mere sensory organ. It is the seat of the will. In theory, it is the place where the executive should reside, but precious few humans have an active wisdom in their hearts. They don’t … Continue reading

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Wisdom and Folly

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said something about not calling someone a fool. That is, in most English translations it comes out like that. If you are legalistic, you’d probably pass over the part later where Jesus called … Continue reading

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Evangelical False God

It never stops. Every where I turn, I keep encountering the same blindness, though expressed in different ways. And the people who wallow in that blindness rarely seize the hand offered so they can be pulled out. Mercy cannot be … Continue reading

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Context: Divorce

The hardest thing I do in dealing with Christians is helping them break some very bad mental habits. If you absorb the assumption of a unitary universe, you will struggle with most of what I write. You will be mixing … Continue reading

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Certain Uncertainty

I’m unsure of where to place to blame. They thunder with obscene certainty that this or that course of action is God’s demand. While we might justly question the identity of the “God” they cite, it’s enough to note these … Continue reading

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Psalm 2

This psalm is not as provincial as it might seem on the surface. If I’m serving God and you are serving God, it’s possible we’ll still be knocking up against each other, but highly unlikely. God chose King David of … Continue reading

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The Cult of Success

One of the most pervasive and pernicious cults in the world is the Cult of Success. Jesus died on the Cross and called it “victory.” Absorb that for a moment. How easily we forget that the fundamental Laws of God … Continue reading

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