Babylon is Fallen

Babylon is fallen, but has not collapsed.

Babylon is the fallen world of human commerce, of human achievement. It symbolizes unjust dominance and all the trappings of oppression. Dominance is not evil in itself because it’s essential to human nature that one among many must hold sway or we remain just animals. Worse, while animals have their natural connections to the rest of Creation, humans without a just government are utterly disconnected from even the little good we can have from the Laws of God. The blessings of the Laws are limited, but they are as much blessing as some can ever see.

The entire range of Western political theory is based on lies. First and foremost is the lie of materialism, founded in turn on the myth of the unitary universe. Communists, socialists, capitalists, welfare statists, fascists and populists are all materialistic in nature. They all assume that everything important is in this universe.

All it takes is a thoughtful reading of the letters and recorded conversations between Karl Marx and his associates to discover that he didn’t even believe in what he taught. It was a put-up, a fake propaganda mythology designed to provide a false opposition, a place of intellectual refuge for the growing proletariat. He served other masters whose plans were to keep society stirred up and in conflict. His letters show he did this knowingly. It’s not that owners of capital were not evil, but that there has always been a better answer than class conflict.

Libertarians are just as evil. They are deeply self-deceived, and in some cases I am convinced their intellectual leaders are intellectually dishonest, as was Karl Marx. Good people rarely rise to economic dominance because good people won’t do that it takes. Calling the captains of private industry “heroic” is evil in itself, in that it brushes aside what God says about human nature. It’s not a question of government versus private, because any concentration of wealth is de facto power, a government in effect. The vast majority of those with such economic power have been evil. Libertarians are just as materialistic as the communists.

The proper place of restraint in this world, commanded by God, is in the family alone. All else is Babylon by biblical definition. The mythology of the goodness of the American people pokes God in the eye, because our leaders have always secretly plotted evil. Just a little research and you’ll understand that the likes of Operation Northwoods was not an anomaly, but standard operations in US government planning. The only difference is that the few limits they once observed were completely removed early in the previous century. Lucky Luciano and his slaughter of more principled mafia dons was actually late to the game; civilian government had already committed that kind of massacre.

Think about this: Everyone in government knows that torture does not produce actionable intelligence, but they insist on using it for the simple reason that they cannot possibly retain power without terrorizing those they rule, here and abroad. The other purpose is to provoke outrage and create enemies. Yes, there is no honorable intention to win wars, only to have war as nasty as possible and without end. Our Western governments are hopelessly evil to core; they all engage in torture under various justifications.

We who are spiritual understand this. We also understand it is not our place to fix things. We are surely supposed to pray about these things, seeking to change what He will change. Most of the time, that change is inside us.

My post yesterday about the tools of the heart was, in places, nearly incomprehensible. I know that, but it’s so very hard to put God’s truth into any language, and English is easily one of the worst for the job. It’s all I have. I want so very much for you to understand in your mind how to restrain the human capabilities and make it serve the Spirit Realm agenda. This world is an irreparable evil, a place of shadows and lies. You cannot escape while keeping the confinements; you must shed the lies.

Part of that is peeling back the layers of deception, exposing the truth. The reason we share revelations of government evil is not to drum up action against government. Any such action is sure to be no less evil than that of government officials, exchanging one evil for another. Instead, we seek to shed any dependence on human capability to answer any need. This is the call: Use what this world provides as disposable tools — the entire universe is itself disposable with a distinct “use by” date God has established for Himself. What matters is His eternal glory.

The path to that divine glory is through activating your heart as the proper locus of being and operations. Babylon seeks to keep you in your head, seeks to keep you tied to this world and some dream of human achievement to reach the stars, as if the stars had any real power over anything. They are confined to this universe. The real power in this universe comes from outside of it. Babylon seeks to anchor your soul here, away from God.

Depart from Babylon.

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