A Little More on Gamergate

The Elder reminds you: Holiness is voluntary.

Our society completely lacks a moral frame of reference consistent with God’s character. Our best is way off on another planet by comparison, so I don’t take seriously anyone’s moral posturing on any subject. The question is not what is right or wrong because there can be no right in our world, short of a vast and inconceivable renovation. Here and there we will catch glimpses of God’s glory and rejoice when His hands force the issue, by whatever means, but we are wholly cynical of what this world can produce compared/contrasted with God’s revealed justice.

I’m not a bomb-thrower by nature, but that doesn’t mean eviscerating pompous jerks verbally is out of bounds. I bother with the topic only to illustrate the point above.

Gamergate continues to simmer. Today I’m going to react to a whining SJW White Knight. We all know the only reason any man would defend the feminist position is because the females lied and promised he might — just might — have some vague hope of getting nooky if he plays by their rules. He’s a complete loser before he ever put his fingers on the keyboard. I quote the latest White Knight challenge, interspersed with my responses:

Gendered bigotry against women is widely considered to be “in bounds” by Internet commenters (whether they openly acknowledge it or not), and subsequently a demographic that comprises half of the total human population has to worry about receiving rape threats, death threats, and the harassment of angry mobs simply for expressing their opinions. This needs to stop, and while it’s impossible to prevent all forms of harassment from occurring online, we can start by creating a culture that shames individuals who cross the bounds of decency.

There is not a single verbal expression that is out-of-bounds on the Internet. There are no freaking rules, you idiot! When some whiney bitch jumps into the middle of a juvenile cauldron of sewage, she has no inherent right to win. Her demand that all the punks bow down and kiss her toes is insulting beyond words, and too ludicrous to justify her continuing the fraudulent waste of oxygen. Yes, she does deserve all those awful and hurtful words. She’s lucky those basement dwellers lack the physical courage to crawl out and actually do what they say they would.

We can start by stating the obvious: It is never appropriate to use slurs, metaphors, graphic negative imagery, or any other kind of language that plays on someone’s gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religion. Not only is such language inappropriate regardless of one’s passion on a given subject, but any valid arguments that existed independently of such rhetoric should have been initially presented without it. Once a poster crosses this line, they should lose all credibility.

You just lost credibility, Mr. Butt-wipe. Everything is fair game because it’s just a freaking game in the first place. You aren’t the Truth Police and you have no standing to lay down rules of combat. You didn’t write the game software so who gives a rat’s butt what you think.

Similarly, it is never acceptable to dox, harass, post nude pictures, or in any other way violate someone’s privacy due to disagreement with their opinions. While most people would probably agree with this in theory, far too many are willing to access and distribute this humiliating (and often illegal) content. Instead of simply viewing stories of doxing, slut-shaming, and other forms of online intimidation as an unfortunate by-product of the digital age, we should boycott all sites that publish these materials.

If you digitize it, you cannot possibly control it. Any attempt to place limits on digitized material is poking God in the eye. If the stupid whining sluts have pictures and other details of their human existence on the Net, it is most certainly fair game. You see, your personal moral posturing means nothing more than a brightly colored target marker on your ass. If you lack the means to enforce your edicts, you are just another pitiful piece of scenery to be shot up.

I’m not any kind of gamer at all, but even I can understand what a crock of bullshit this guy is waving around.

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