Tag Archives: law

The Law of Context

As humans, we cannot function without context. It’s a critical task in the stages of development that we gain some kind of context. Descartes’ thought experiment was a prime example of delusion; you cannot start with nothing when you already … Continue reading

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Generic Post

It’s not as if I have nothing to say; I have too much to say. Unfortunately, most of it has been covered already. Something haunting me frequently these days is the constant confusion between human justice constructs and God’s divine … Continue reading

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Oklahoma County Jury Duty

The county website is pretty sparse on information. Recounting my experience will provide a snapshot for early 2014. The County Courthouse is right downtown OKC, and the maps are good enough to get you there. I was coming in from … Continue reading

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Adventures Unknown

Got a summons for jury duty from the county. For years I was exempt because of the length of my military service, but I guess they were having trouble getting warm bodies to show up. So they changed the laws … Continue reading

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Doing What’s Right for Me

What is your commitment? You don’t have to come up with a name for it, but you do need some frame of reference to claim the full benefits of the moral fabric of the universe. The fundamental nature of God’s … Continue reading

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The Spiritual Battlefield

It’s not what you naturally expect. In our fallen state, we have an awful lot of trouble discerning the fundamental nature of reality. The single most common failure is refusing to grasp the nature of the Fall itself. Most humans … Continue reading

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Contagious Truth

The starting point is recognizing the failure of Western assumptions about truth. Truth is a Person; the notion of some objective thing out there that embodies pure truth is the greatest lie of Satan. The search for truth is inside … Continue reading

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Speak Your Peace

I know where I have to stand in this world to keep peace with God. The boundaries in a Western society are not amenable to biblical morality, but that doesn’t mean a Christian Mystic can’t draw clear limits on some … Continue reading

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Truth Needs No Defense

First, take a moment to play out in your mind all the different meanings of the title of this post. Right here in Oklahoma, we have a monument to the Ten Commandments on state property. It’s been there since last … Continue reading

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Some Limits Apply

The atheist or secularist who takes a poke at faith is merely shadow-boxing. Since they can’t hit the real thing, they simply castigate the effects. Faith is unreasonable in the sense of being far above reason, operating in a different … Continue reading

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