Speak Your Peace

I know where I have to stand in this world to keep peace with God.

The boundaries in a Western society are not amenable to biblical morality, but that doesn’t mean a Christian Mystic can’t draw clear limits on some things. I am altogether willing to sacrifice social peace in favor of what God says makes for social stability. I’m willing to face persecution from a fallen world in order to stand for divine justice.

When God puts a message in my mouth, I will have my say. Depending on the nature of the message and the context, I might be willing to take your life if necessary to have my say. On the other hand, it’s quite likely the message will demand I absorb the conflict in myself, but don’t count on it being always the case. I’m not rule-bound, but Spirit-bound. The point is that I just don’t give a damn about any human conceptions of what ought to be, including what all the world together might do to oppose God’s calling on my life. I am committed to the Truth of His revelation, not some mythical social peace. That means I’m also willing to oppose the falsehoods so painfully obvious in Western Christianity.

The issue turns on having my say, not making anyone else agree with me. I am fully aware of the nature and history of Western Civilization. I am no Don Quixote, nor even an agitator. Human governments in general, and Western governments especially, are not the proper means to bring about God’s justice. Once Christ went to the Cross, God ceased dealing with any human government as His agent. They can observe the general principles of His revelation and reap the blessings of moral wisdom, but He may still allow such a government to be crushed because His plans for such things are beyond comprehension. Thus, I address myself to the individual conscience, and it’s not in my hands what happens after that.

In my private dealings I have full freedom to act on His moral imperatives. The moment I seek to advertise any part of my dealings in this pluralistic Western society, I have surrendered a great measure of my prerogatives. A critical element in what Jesus said about “rendering unto Caesar” was recognizing that if you use Caesar’s currency, you operate by Caesar’s commercial laws. If I advertise my computer ministry to the public, I can’t exclude people on moral grounds. If my ministry is entirely private, by referral and invitation only, that gives me the freedom to be more choosy.

The same goes to any business whose operators voice objections to certain kinds of customers. Before Christ, I warn you that you have no grounds for denying service to people you don’t like. You must operate legally, and only with lawful exclusions. Pay attention to legal settlements in your jurisdiction and quit being such an ass. When you opened up for public business, you surrendered a great many rights and it only diminishes the glory of God if you refuse to render unto Caesar what is his. You can talk all you like about what you believe is morally right and wrong, but your actions are another matter.

If I host worship in my home, everyone coming in the door is subject to my house rules. If I open a church organization under government tax exemptions, the corporate rules must fit case law on what tax exempt organizations can say and do. Don’t be surprised as the case law continues going against traditional freedoms. Stop whining. Either dissolve your corporation before the law, or keep track and make adjustments. You can’t have it both ways, and God is most certainly not behind your resistance.

I am sick of people acting childish and whining about how America is going down the tubes. It takes a special kind of stupidity to imagine things won’t change when you ask for special favors from a government that never did seek God’s favor in the first place. It won’t matter what words you cite indicating some imaginary piety in our Founding Fathers. They were acting on Enlightenment principles, which has always been foreign to what the Bible actually taught.

America is doomed; stop pretending God ever favored her because you are taking His Name in vain.

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