Tag Archives: law

Next Project: Divine Moral Law

ACBM is pretty much finished. I’m posting the last few chapters for your comment, but I’m already praying about the next project. I don’t yet know what to call it, but it will probably be a book instead of a … Continue reading

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ACBM: Part 3 Chapter 1

Chapter 1 — Implications The Western assumptions about reality are entirely different than that of Biblical Mysticism. There is no single Old Testament view of the afterlife. We recognize a great many Old Testament figures lacked the full depth of … Continue reading

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ACBM: Part 1 Chapter 3

Chapter 3 — Roman Organization Alexander’s empire had established the pattern for what followed in the West. The net effect of what Greece accomplished was to close off forever any consideration of otherworldly inquiry. It didn’t extinguish religious yearnings, but … Continue reading

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The Claim

While the Law Covenants culminated in Christ, His work on the Cross means nothing to us if we isolate it from from those prior covenants. The claim of the Old Testament boils down to a rather simple story. There is … Continue reading

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We Got Issues

Issues-based politics, and its whore, issues-based religion, manifest one of the greatest sins of Western Civilization. The Bible takes an organic approach. Issues are already settled because they don’t arise except as anomalies. Folks, the fundamental nature of government is … Continue reading

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Ecclesiastes 8

The Hebrew language did not lend itself easily to blunt or direct literal statements. Good Hebrew was loaded with imagery and parabolic expressions. Here, Solomon paints a scene of serving in his courts. Who wants to be a wise servant … Continue reading

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Hire That Christian Mystic

My biggest problem as I contemplate the project (A Course in Christian Mysticism) is how to combat the confusion of the Two Realms. Even when I manage to describe the whole concept clearly, the knee-jerk reflex of virtually every Christian … Continue reading

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None Righteous

“There is no one righteous, not even one.” (Romans 3:10 NET, quoting Psalm 14) The human race is fallen. The most basic demand from God after the Flood was for Noah to institute social constraints on human behavior. Men were … Continue reading

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Defined by Morality

Morality and Justice are the roughly equivalent terms in the Kingdom of God. It is the divine imperative, not in the sense so much of laws as a divine gift from God. He offers to fallen mankind the opportunity to … Continue reading

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Morality Defines All Things

Morality is defined as obedience to God’s revelation regarding things in this life. It is living in this fallen world according to a divine understanding of what’s wrong and what’s right, but it assumes an understanding that is higher than … Continue reading

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