Tag Archives: law

Micah 3

A predator will eventually get his fill and rest, but the mouth of Hell opens onto a bottomless pit. Micah warns the leadership of the entire nation was more inspired by demonic powers than any spirit of justice. The fundamental … Continue reading

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Pastoral: Social Chaos and Mythology

Tribulation is here, and will worsen. Most people have expectations from video media which is wholly unrealistic. Let’s do some deprogramming. Throw out all the images from TV and movies, insofar as you are able. We aim here at pulling … Continue reading

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Micah 1

After briefly introducing himself and his ministry, Micah proceeds directly with his first vision. He draws an image of God as ruler of all Creation, sitting on His throne, not so much the symbolic throne in Jerusalem’s Temple, but the … Continue reading

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Clannish Justice

It’s bad enough people claim there is no Covenant of Noah; too many wholly miss the point of it. There are several covenants with God mentioned in Scripture. Everyone seems to be aware of Moses, and most notice the one … Continue reading

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Guilt and Shame

While I am not happy with the video portion, this song will help set the tone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpGh8HN2G30 The point, as I understand it, is the sense of guilt and fear which comes over many Christians at times. You are certain … Continue reading

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Abusive Preaching about Tithing

You hear it from pulpits all across the land, heavy manipulation about tithing. It comes from the notion a church budget is sacred. Somehow, God can’t lead the membership to give less than the mighty Spirit-led leadership simply knows what … Continue reading

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Wrath and Natural Disasters

The failure of Western Civilization to understand God’s ways does not force God to change those ways. We have ample precedent in Scripture. There are two basic streams feeding into natural disasters. First, there is the Fall and the loss … Continue reading

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Husband and Lord

Ladies, you don’t have to call him “master and lord,” but if you don’t treat your man like one, you will incur God’s wrath. As a writer, being repetitive is a problem. As a prophet it’s necessary. As a part … Continue reading

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Not So Pastoral

This is the other half of my pastoral message from a few days ago. While people fret too much about things which simply cannot happen, they don’t pray enough about things sure to happen, ugly things no one wants to … Continue reading

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God's Copyright

As I’m reading on TechDirt the evil and sinful antics of those who claim to hold copyrights to this and that art work, etc., I am reminded of what God’s Laws have to say about such things. The problem for … Continue reading

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