Tag Archives: law

Repentance Activist

Let’s explore the conceptual boundaries. Try to imagine some really daring radical activists, the short who sleep in their vehicles, climb man-made structures not at all designed for climbing, and hanging their banners and such to promote their political and … Continue reading

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Essence of Human Government

The will and ability to use force is what makes government. Here is wisdom: Mankind is fallen. Whether it be the appetites of the flesh, the curiosity of the mind, or the arrogance of human reason, mankind is always eager … Continue reading

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Not Created Equal

It is a blasphemous heresy to suggest we all should treat each other equally. That line from the US Declaration of Independence is evil: “all men are created equal.” Not simply in the choice of words, but in what they … Continue reading

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As always, we must recognize a significant portion of the text is parabolic. Yet parts of it we can recognize in literal events in history. Most importantly is the clear lesson how God judges the nations impartially, even when the … Continue reading

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Truth's Two Edges

It’s like an old Roman style sword; it cuts both ways. Yes, those who adhere to God’s Laws can expect things to go differently. Those Laws are fundamental, the moral fabric of the universe itself. Since we moved here a … Continue reading

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Mysticism and Disentanglement

One of my provisional Three Pillars of Christian Mysticism is disentanglement. Try to keep in mind, I don’t take seriously the particular way I think about this, in the sense I promote those three key points — “pillars” — as … Continue reading

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Rape and Mythology (Updated)

Perhaps the most disturbing part of modern mythology is about rape. First, let’s review the basics. We have a certain amount of our human nature which is hard-wired from Creation. Further, the curse of the Fall adds some other features. … Continue reading

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Dishonest Dries

If you ever drink alcoholic beverages, you’ll understand. There is a significant portion of humanity who inherited a horrible weakness, making them virtually unable to control certain compulsive behaviors. The particular weakness varies. Most alcoholics suffer this sort of genetic … Continue reading

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About Alcoholic Bevarages

This is a rant, not a research paper. I expect lies from the world at large. Wherever there is profit in lies, they will most certainly be told. That’s on top of lies which really offer no particular advantage, but … Continue reading

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Bring your own conclusions. All I have are questions and some tentative answers, plus plenty of additional information folks try to hide. To me it’s more important we dig up the stuff everyone is trying to hide. Claim and counterclaim: … Continue reading

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