Tag Archives: law

Sins of the Fathers

You have a limited choice about your native character. People familiar with the Old Testament have likely run across something which seems ambiguous to our modern eyes. In one place it says flat out the children will pay for the … Continue reading

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Technocracy of War, Part 8

Once the pattern was established and compared against the Tor perimeter traffic, it really wasn’t that hard. Mantis and his assistant detected a lot of similar traffic and found there were a half-dozen systems traipsing all over Washington DC and … Continue reading

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Oklahoma: Oppression Is Relative

Oklahoma is easily as corrupt as any other state, but there are other limits which make it a sane place to live. We are one of the few states which has encoded the basic right to ignore a policeman who … Continue reading

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Unaccountable Hell

When any given system begins too much to favor one party or another, no one should be surprised when the victims start shedding blood. That could be literally or figuratively. For an example of the latter, modern Western marriage is … Continue reading

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Revealed As Black Ops (Updated)

Updated at bottom… The amorphous hacker collective “Anonymous” can now be regarded as controlled opposition. When it was just a matter of information and cracking servers, that was simply part of the Internet. I’ve always said, if you digitize information, … Continue reading

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No Holiday for Some

I’m going to ruin your day. On this Christmas Day, I’d like to ask one small gift of you. Take just a moment to think about the private prison industry in California. I’ll make it simple: Virtually every human in … Continue reading

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Defending the Indefensible

I reiterate: Not only can we not stop this train wreck, but we sin if we try. I’m not choking with rage because I don’t have any vested interests. There is the usual debate over just what the NDAA 2012 … Continue reading

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Today’s a good day to consider what is before us. As noted yesterday here, martial law is now officially the law of the land. I still believe it will take awhile for things to gear up. However, crushing dissent has … Continue reading

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Welcome to Martial Law

I rather like the definition of Martial Law offered at Wikipedia. Each of the two houses of Congress have passed their version of the National Defense Authorization Act for 2012. For the House, it was HR 1540, and in the … Continue reading

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Radical Management: Measuring Success

If you listen to the MBAs’ lies about what defines success, you’ll always be a moral failure. My prescription is simple: If you adhere to God’s Laws — or Cosmic Moral Principles, if you prefer, it’s all the same — … Continue reading

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