Tag Archives: law

New Series for Prophecy Students

For those who follow my Prophet’s Academy training stuff, I’ve started a new series on marriage and the family household on my other blog.

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Womanhood: The Big Western Lie

Fundamental to our modern Western notion of what men and women ought to be to each other is the Western Medieval Mythology of Mariolatry. Please note: I don’t attack revering Mary as the mother of Jesus, and this is not … Continue reading

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Advertising Slavery

It’s easy to ignore moral principles when it makes you money. Advertising as we experience it today is nothing more than slavery. It’s designed to enslave the choices and wallets of “consumers.” The very choice of the term “consumer” reduces … Continue reading

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Arguing with God

The definition of sin is arguing with God. It won’t matter what your arguments are, when you disagree with God, you are asking for His wrath. Granted, if you don’t believe in Him nor His revelation, then it won’t matter … Continue reading

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Biblical Law and Children

A couple of items came to my attention today regarding how Scripture handles children. In the Ancient Near East (ANE), a child was seldom away from mother during the first five years of life. A mom could get a break … Continue reading

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Laptop Oracles: Copyright Is Dead

Thus saith the Lord: Withholding information is as the sin of murder. Placing a gateway, or any other impediment to information access, is an abomination to God. If you depend on selling such access, you are a thief at the … Continue reading

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Successful Criminals

The first and most essential ingredient in committing crime is a moral commitment which denies your activity is a crime. The term “crime” typically has an official definition in jurisprudence, but it amounts to anything the ruling regime doesn’t like, … Continue reading

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Prophet’s Path: Complete and Published

I received no comments or questions. That probably signifies a lack of interest from others, but no matter. This is important to me. The prophetic training manual is complete. You can find various formats linked here (site gone). I’ve decided … Continue reading

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Prophet’s Path: Final Draft

If you are inclined to comment or just help me edit for typos and such, now is the time to get involved. Here are the links to what I regard the final draft. I am particularly interested in answering questions … Continue reading

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More Prophet’s Path

Two more chapters: Lesson Two Lesson Three (site closed as of 2020)

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