Tag Archives: law

Implications of the Decalogue: Six

You shall not kill. This has been worked over too often because certain folks like to play games with English translations. Our Suzerain here merely reiterates what He said back in the days of Noah: His domain shall not be … Continue reading

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Implications of the Decalogue: Five

Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God gives you. The Hebrew term “honor” means to reckon something very serious or grave; don’t take it lightly. It … Continue reading

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Implications of the Decalogue: Four

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. You shall not do any work, you nor your son, … Continue reading

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Implications of the Decalogue: Three

You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain. If there was ever a phrase which suffers from cultural differences, it would … Continue reading

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Implications of the Decalogue: Introduction

Place the Ten Commandments into their proper context. The time frame was roughly 1400 BC. The Covenant of Moses, delivered by God on Mount Sinai, took a very familiar form for the people involved. The closest documentary parallel was the … Continue reading

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Family Feuds Not My Problem

I am posting for your edification a redacted (names removed) version of what I emailed to a couple of people trying to drag me into their family dispute. To the Children of Mr. X: I am putting this in written … Continue reading

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Oppression for Your Convenience

Goal-oriented leadership is a sin. When you find yourself in charge of an activity which involves several other humans, you should understand: From God’s point of view, the working of relations is more important than what you accomplish. That so-called … Continue reading

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Net Security: Nuisance Abatement

Aside from sections of wire and other hardware owned by government agencies, the Internet is entirely private property. A rather loose coalition of folks connected by cables and such have decided upon a common set of protocols allowing shared data. … Continue reading

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Actionable Evil

You’ve seen the horror films, or read the horror stories, wherein someone finds a way to measure criminal intent directly. It is as if there is some activity in the human mind which can be read from the outside, correlated … Continue reading

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World Upside Down

It is no longer hyperbole to suggest the federal government of the U.S.A., and many state governments therein, have surrendered any claim on legitimacy. Where do I find words to say this? At this point, I’m either preaching to the … Continue reading

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