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Tag Archives: philosophy
HTCG 03c
Chapter 3: Time and Space Section B: The Israelite Conception of Time Part 1: The Time of Heavenly Luminaries Subpart c: Time-rhythms rather than Time-cycles or Time-lines We can be sure that humans and even animals sense the rhythms of … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged Hebrew epistemology, philosophy, Thorleif Boman, time and space, western epistemology
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Child Trafficking Is a Western Problem
Teach your children about heart-led moral truth. There are some who say the current political regime in the USA has accomplished great things. On the list of victories they cite is a huge number of “child trafficking” prosecutions. It’s a … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged child trafficking, cynicism, epistemology, human sexuality, law, materialism, pedophilia, philosophy, pornography, religion
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The Real Parties
There are two political parties in the US. Some claim there are more, but those others are just variations on the basic two. First is the materialistic middle-class pretentious liars. Their moral self-image is a false front, a moral depravity … Continue reading
What’s Wrong with Augustine?
(This is being cross-posted on both blogs.) A fundamental element in my personal sense of calling is putting the gospel message in reach of everyone. There are plenty of good servants of God who helped me along the way; most … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged heart-led, history, human intellect, philosophy, systematic theology, Western Church History
Resting on the Lord Alone
The average America isn’t really much a thinker. They aren’t aware of their own legacy of intellectual pursuits. Classical education is mostly dead in the West. Among those who do tend to give some consideration to thinking logically, the vast … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged binary logic, heart-led, human reason, philosophy, quantum reasoning
Alternate Realities?
Someone asked the question about whether I believe in alternate realities. Yes, I believe such a thing exists. There’s nothing suggesting you have to agree with me, but I find it the simplest explanation of how God does some things. … Continue reading
Economists Ruin Everything
The birth of modern academic economics is the fault of Adam Smith. He was a philosopher who blathered about a lot of things. To this day, much of economic theory comes from his writings, and it has always been marginally … Continue reading
Posted in social sciences
Tagged Biblical Law, economic theory, philosophy
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Chasing Their Tails
This is as much for me as anyone else. I encountered a bunch of highfalutin philosophical stuff this week. Sure, I can understand most of it, and I don’t like it. We are caught between two worlds right now. The … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged Biblical Law, heart-led, human intellect, philosophy, shalom
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Omni This-n-That
Supposed attributes of God, omniscience, omnipotence, omni-benevolence — they are all mere logical terms. To apply them to God actually brings Him down because He transcends the categories. They aren’t that useful as theological statements because theology itself must of … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged abstract logic, peace, philosophy, systematic theology
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