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Tag Archives: psychology
Heart of Sanity
Privacy is dead. That is, to the degree your sense of identity and personal integrity depends on keeping some part of your flesh and psyche away from the view of others, it’s gone. This is the ultimate failure of Western … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged government, heart-mind, oppression, peace, psychology, sanity, science, technology, western civilization
When It Doesn’t Work Out
How does the heart handle disappointment? The problem is our minds and limited understanding, not the heart. As we progress from a worldly viewpoint to a heart-led life, we drag with us a lot of mental baggage. It’s not all … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged fallen nature, mysticism, otherworldly, psychology, spirituality
1 Comment
Cause and Symptom in Moral Healing
It seems pointless to talk about it merely as a matter of counseling psychology. You can get psychologists to echo the sentiment, but they seem to have no power to use the moral truth. As a virtual pastor, the issue … Continue reading
Eyes of the Soul
See this clearly: The destruction is wholly intentional. America is coming apart and a handful of people expect to profit greatly from that. Their daily existence is a prayer to Abaddon and Mammon for mass hysteria and the attendant slaughter. … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged emotional manipulation, global communications network, government, oppression, propaganda, psychology, resistance, ruling elite
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So Speaks the Redbud
Sometimes I struggle with the words. When I climbed up the embankment at the crash site yesterday where Midwest Boulevard passes under Turner Turnpike, what passed between me and that redbud tree with magenta buds peeking out on its branches … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged Creation, heart-mind, moral discernment, psychology, sensory heart
Team Player
To be honest, much of the prophetic or teaching material I write is aimed at hammering guys. To the degree I see my own sins in the mirror, they are the sins I see most clearly in my world at … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged biblical manhood, divine justice, family, feminism, marriage, psychology, sexual identity
Mere Imagination?
If God doesn’t capture your imagination, He doesn’t have your heart. I don’t feel competent to propose a psychological profile for people who live a heart-led existence. Jesus used parables because it defied description. At some level I can offer … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged epistemology, intellect, mysticism, psychology, spirituality, Western mythology
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Heartless Evangelism
Our apartment complex has a posted sign about no solicitation. Once that sign is posted, you have to get management’s permission for any random door-knocking. Court precedent in this state has made it clear that door-knocking evangelism is covered under … Continue reading
Posted in religion
Tagged evangelism, heart-mind, propaganda, psychology, resistance, social mythology, western christianity
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Within Reach
Spammers never learn. Every day in my blog comments here I get at least one spam comment for some facial serum sold on Amazon, sometimes two or three times. I also get at least once each week something telling me … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged computer technology, education, internet, linux, networking technology, psychology, software, technology
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