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Tag Archives: rationalism
Introducing Derek Ramsey
Dear readers: Today I want to alert you to a blog that might interest you — Derek L. Ramsey. If you want high intellect and strong reasoning discussion, he’s your man. It’s quite possible you will grow attached to him … Continue reading
Children of Heaven
It’s all about building the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. You are a citizen of His Kingdom, a child of His household. This is a feudal covenant. He is Your Lord and Father; your life new belongs to Him. All … Continue reading
Posted in religion
Tagged covenant community of faith, faith, feudal obligations, Garden of Eden, kingdom of heaven, rationalism
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A Parable about Rationalism
Reason is a tool, a way of approaching things. Most jobs require more than one tool. Rationalism is restricting yourself to just one tool. If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. If all you have … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged heart-led, human intellect, human reason, parable, rationalism, spirit realm