Children of Heaven

It’s all about building the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

You are a citizen of His Kingdom, a child of His household. This is a feudal covenant. He is Your Lord and Father; your life new belongs to Him. All your human plans and hopes for tomorrow are subject to change. Too many people don’t understand just how deeply true this is. They keep trying to hang onto the things of this world, as if that were all they had.

In just a few days, we will begin to see if this teaching is true, or if I’m just a madman. Either way, I’ve given an honest report of what is on my heart. But the election coming Tuesday will be the symbolic space-time turning point. None of us can predict what kind of idiocy will descend over the USA, but we can see that idiocy is coming.

The Word teaches that, in times of tribulation, we should mostly fly below the radar. But by the same token, it says we should never cower in fear. This is our Father’s world. There are boundaries we cannot cross without crossing Him. We must be careful to walk the path of His glory, and focus on our mission. We leave the outcomes to Him, whether He wants to bring us Home or to stay around a bit longer, and in what conditions.

He has granted us a vision of outcomes on a higher level than this world, but most certainly affecting this world. His Word paints a vision of what His glory can do when His people fully seize the mission, and are fully seized by it. That mission is to portray His revelation, to live by moral perception written as conviction in our souls. It makes us consistent with how Creation works, and how it builds a society that reflects His glory.

It’s not quite like the rosy human visions of building civilizations. Rather, it’s a community that doesn’t need to accomplish anything, only to live according to His Word.

Which is worse — to wade through a lifetime of rationalistic atheist conditioning to be struck by a divine calling, or to wade through a lifetime of rationalistic religious conditioning that gives only lip service to faith? We will see plenty of both kinds of sorrow, of people who have a very long journey back toward the Gate of Eden.

What we seek to build is a community, a society that rests on the mandate to make that journey. That is the nature of the Kingdom of Heaven. We aren’t building anything here on earth aside from the lore arising from our unique position in time and space. Religion is the activity of responding to the context as it bounces off faith and the moral understanding that comes from the Presence of the Holy Spirit. Our minds must become accustomed to what our convictions say, and what God has done in other contexts as recorded in His Word.

Thus, a faith community is just a matter of living, not actually doing anything in particular. A primary mark of God’s favor is the increasing love between us, as we seek to invest time and energy in each other. That’s what makes us rich together, for the treasure of the Kingdom of Heaven is souls.

Here on the “eve of destruction” we should stand ready to see the awesome power of God opening doors to rebuilding His Kingdom yet again, in a fresh manifestation of His glory. Will we make mistakes? That’s inevitable; we are fallen creatures. The Lord is looking for children who love Him; He doesn’t judge you on your performance. He measures the desire to please Him. There are consequences for our inevitable performance failures, but faith carries us through them.

Children of Heaven, build His Kingdom!

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