Attention Hounds That Don’t Deliver

This is just a personal rant.

Since I’m retired, I have plenty of time to read stuff on the Internet. I read widely because I’m not committed to any partisan position. It’s all evil, but some things are simply less evil. But I’m not looking for stuff that supports my preferences; I’m actually trying to find information that will shed light on what the activists really plan to do. I don’t like wild conspiracy nonsense, but I do want exposure of real conspiracies.

I truly despise gatekeeping. Not just gatekeepers, but the whole frame of mind and habit that attempts to sucker folk in to giving long attention. I learn quickly who does click-baiting with exaggerated titles and headlines. I get tired of people who keep harping on the same thing over and over when the underlying story hasn’t changed. I’m okay with better explanations and clarifications, but this business of trying to grab peoples’ eyeballs is evil in my view.

There are some people out there who do share some interesting stuff that is worth the time it takes to absorb. I admit that I generally hate videos for taking way too long to say the same thing that could be more briefly covered in print, but I can tolerate a video that offers graphics that help drive things home. What I don’t tolerate is blatant manipulation. So, for example, I can put up with some of Corbett Report’s videos because Corbett tends to keep things brief (I dislike his goofball pal James Evan Pilato). I don’t at all like Whitney Webb and Ryan Cristián (Last American Vagabond, Unlimited Hangout) and their long-winded bantering conversations that rehash old stuff as if it were new. They spend three hours dragging over news that can be covered adequately in ten minutes of reading.

It’s the sensationalism that offends me. This is why there are so many sources out there I don’t look at because they rarely share anything useful, and never cover the subject as efficiently as they could and should. It’s always a matter of thinking too highly of themselves and too little of your time. These people do not trust in the Lord to provide, but are greedy, slimy leeches on the unwary.

Eternal truths do warrant a frequent review, and from different angles. Mundane human political activity warrants only a quick exposure, and only rarely do the details justify an involved review. That’s why I so seldom offer links as anything more than just a point of reference. On rare occasions I’ll point to something and suggest you actually invest the time to absorb what’s there. Most of the time I simply offer a digest of the pertinent material.

Notice how I started this post with a warning? Only a few of my readers actually like my work enough to read everything. I’m out on the fringes of human society, and most people should not want a close friendship with me. Sure, prophetic material does justify a wider exposure, so I try to note up front that’s what I’m doing, but most of my stuff is of no real use to most people. So I hope and pray that God guides me to indicating early in every post where it’s going so folks who don’t need it can move on and not waste time.

I don’t take myself seriously, and I’m not impressed with folks who do take themselves seriously. I have a mission to serve, not a professional career to maintain. Thanks for praying with me and supporting this ministry. You are my real wealth.

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One Response to Attention Hounds That Don’t Deliver

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    “Dragging over news” is a great way of wording it 🙂

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