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Tag Archives: teaching
Balaam’s Teaching
In John’s Revelation, among the seven churches to which the Spirit of God has him write is Pergamum in chapter 2. But I have a few things against you: You have some people there who follow the teaching of Balaam, … Continue reading
Eschatology Introduction
In case it wasn’t clear to you, the Radix Fidem path is inherently Amillennial. The key issue is that we do not believe the prophecies and promises require that Christ establish a political kingdom in this world. That’s the key … Continue reading
You Need to See for Yourself
We need insight into the Unseen Realm. We need more believers capable of discerning what’s going on with the boundary line between our limited reality and the realm of Darkness. A primary feature of our culture is the smoke and … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged Biblical Mysticism, demons, Hebrew epistemology, otherworldly, Satan, teaching, Unseen Realm
Whence Antisemitism
Someone asked a much more involved question than the title, but it works out about the same. Here goes. Inasmuch as covenant believers deal with the outside world, we start with the essential idea that we are going to treat … Continue reading
NT Doctrine — John 13
(By request, I’m restoring these weekly Bible lessons to this blog. They will still appear in the forum as well.) The Seder was symbolic in the first place. It marked the birth of the Nation of Israel, the defining redemption … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged Jesus Christ, John's Gospel, Messiah, New Testament, teaching
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Contemplation: Community Lifespan
One of the most frustrating elements of a virtual faith community is how fragile it is. Had we all met face-to-face at some point in our aggregate journey, it would be different. Throughout my life I’ve had good close fellowships … Continue reading
Posted in personal
Tagged covenant community of faith, faith, internet, radix fidem, teaching