Whence Antisemitism

Someone asked a much more involved question than the title, but it works out about the same. Here goes.

Inasmuch as covenant believers deal with the outside world, we start with the essential idea that we are going to treat them all the same. White, black, red, brown, yellow — whatever, it doesn’t matter. What matters is faith in Christ and His Word. Everyone else is on the same level of damnation. They need Jesus. And that includes Jews, as far as we are concerned. They are most assuredly outside the Covenant of Christ, and no other covenant matters. In Christ, all your human identities are nailed to the Cross. We stop being white, black, red, brown or yellow. And Jews who embrace the Messiah stop being Jews.

Christ pays the debt of all your human sin. You owe no further debt but to show His divine compassion. Naturally, we tend to repay those imaginary debts because that’s how we testify of our Lord’s greatness, showing that we put no great value on the things of this world. And we forgive others who might owe us things on the human level. But in Christ, you and I have no debt to Jews for anything that happened to them in the past. Jesus paid that debt; they are the ones who refuse His blood redemption.

The whole purpose of the ADL is that Jews are not the same as everyone else. They are superior, not to be held to the same standard as Gentiles. They deserve a higher privilege, to be free to get away with things Gentiles do not get away with. The whole meaning of “antisemitism” is treating Jews as equals, holding them to the same standard as the rest of humanity. Jews assert that they alone are human; Gentiles are not human, not equal to them at all. We are animals.

Now, when anyone demands special treatment, such that they assert they are not equal, but superior — to the degree they make that demand, so much do they forfeit equal treatment. Now it becomes morally obligatory to treat them with special contempt. They have evinced a will, and likely a plan, to subject the rest of the world to their dreams of being special. They are a threat by their own admission.

Jews cry out to be treated equal when they have a disadvantage. Once they have any advantage at all, it becomes “antisemitism” to demand equality with them.

In the Covenant of Christ, we generally avoid getting involved in human politics. We let God handle that stuff, and I can assure you, He has passed all of that off to lesser beings. When Christ closed up the Mosaic Covenant on the Cross, that was the end of God’s poking around in human political affairs. For example, this being a fallen world, Satan is the lord of all fallen humans, by default. That means that all human politics is run by Satan. Since Jews, along with the rest of the world, are not serving the Messiah, all of their political engagement in human affairs is under the authority of Satan. They only think they are special.

So, we make no plans to get involved in the human conflicts between Jews and Gentiles. Let them kill each other all they like; there’s nothing we can do to change the value system of fallen mankind, and that includes Jews. Only the divine miracle of redemption, on the basis of Election, can raise your conscious awareness to that higher level of eternal affairs. Not only do we have zero commission from God to get involved, but we are pointedly warned not to.

But because of their peculiar insistence on being regarded as superior, we always treat Jews with suspicion. We are always watchful, expecting them to come up with something that will insult and degrade our Lord, the Messiah they rejected. I’m not suggesting hatred for them, but cynicism. And it’s holy cynicism. We give them room to act more like Christ, or to at least be treated the same as all the other cursed fallen humans. Once they demonstrate any sense of superiority, they warrant keeping a watchful distance. Exclude them from anything that really matters, because they carry the defilement of serving their true master.

And we’ll do the same for any other ethnic identity.

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One Response to Whence Antisemitism

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    It’s very freeing to know we don’t need to have an influence. We never had control in the first place. Even if you were in a position of power in the first place, there was actually little you could do on your own.

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