No Exit Lane

On the one hand, everyone knows we are in a real bind right now. On the other hand, I suspect most people don’t really understand why. What’s the real threat? I’m not sure they are correct, but Tucker Carlson interviews retired General Doug Macgregor and the picture painted is not commonly recognized.

By their assessment, a genuine WW3 is unavoidable. The interview seems to hang on one primary issue: collective punishment. Israel is punishing the citizens of Gaza for the actions of Hamas, which everyone acknowledges does not represent the people of Gaza, but merely rules them. Further, the only way to get at Hamas is to invade Gaza and simply kill everything that moves. Nobody in the US government wants to put the brakes on that. And if this continues, it is almost guaranteed to pull in outside parties. And the US is not ready to engage this; our miliatry capabilities are not up to the task.

The biggest problem is the incandescent issue even these two refuse to acknowledge. Carlson and Macgregor act like too few decisive figures are unaware of this uniformly bad news. That’s false: They are fully aware and have every intention of sparking WW3. They’ve been working towards it for a very long time, and they are gleefully hoping to get it going soon.

None of the bad factors cited in the interview are miscalculations. They are doing this quite intentionally. The authorities stirring up this horror know what they are doing. They are crazy enough to believe they can survive and come out on top. I’ll grant there are plenty of lackeys and front-men who may not be aware, but the people running the show do know.

And I’m convinced our Lord will not stop them. This is part of His wrath on the sins of the West, as well as the rest of the world. We are heading for a Noah Event, and the human sourced part of this disaster is a part of God’s plans. It fits the pattern of mixing human and natural disasters to address evil.

Don’t panic. You know this is coming. We will have WW3; it is inevitable. There is a slender possibility TPTB will decide the time isn’t quite right, but don’t count on it. Don’t expect the people in charge to look for an exit from this crisis. They’ve been working hard to create it, and are determined to carry it through. And it doesn’t help much to pin down the details of who these people are. They have the power and they are using it to suit themselves. In due time, that power will break, but that’s still out a ways ahead of us.

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One Response to No Exit Lane

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    We live in interesting times, but as you say, this shouldn’t be a surprise, and it’s hardly anything to worry about. May God gather the church and surround it in His mystery.

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