Tag Archives: tribulation

Breaking It Down into Small Bites

You don’t have to pay attention to anything I write here, since all I’m asking folks to do is pray. I’m not planning any particular course of action for myself, nor am I asking anyone else to take action. But … Continue reading

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Sometimes We Aren’t Supposed to Get It

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. (John 14:26) I’ve said that the mind is … Continue reading

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Bombs and Lies

1. Watch out for gatekeepers. It’s one thing to have a mission from God to protect the feudal domain He puts in your hands. It’s another thing to imagine that your mission from God is to play Covering Cherub. That … Continue reading

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Contextual Loose Ends for Radix Fidem

Is this Radix Fidem thing for real? Is it real to you? Can a heart-led faith in Christ become both a distinguishing characteristic, and the basis for coming together as a community of faith? There are at least a handful … Continue reading

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The Fall of America 04

It was almost two years ago that I knew God was planning to bring down the globalists. Don’t read this as tooting my own horn; I want you to understand how God can work if you give Him room. Back … Continue reading

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Bonfire Visions

I’m struggling. Where do I find the words for this, when it drives me so very hard and I cannot be silent? The urgency itself is beyond words. Does it strike you as odd that something granting us such limitless … Continue reading

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Fret Not 01

This is likely to become a periodic feature, so I’m numbering these attempts to restore sanity. 1. Tommy Robinson (real name: Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon) was arrested by British police while reporting outside a courthouse. There’s a lot of noise about … Continue reading

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Speaking to Plugged Ears

I’ve tried to make it clear that in this world our biggest problem is Satan and his use of deceived people. I’ve written about how we very much need to see the Devil as a real person, no less than … Continue reading

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Tribulation Is Our Natural Element

I’m neither conservative nor liberal. Both of those terms presume a placement within the dominant culture. I rejected that a long time ago; I’m a primordial. I adhere to something that came before there was a Western Civilization. It’s a … Continue reading

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We Need Ehud

If we disobey, we leave a door open for demonic presence in our lives. Obedience is the hedge of protection. You don’t have to pay attention to what follows — it’s kinda long — but I must write it. Read … Continue reading

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