What You Know Is Right

It’s here.

Don’t let this come across as melodramatic. It may be difficult to see, but I believe your heart will know it’s true. There’s a really good reason for our difficulty: The Spirit Realm is not affected by our sense of time and space. Yes, God and His angels, and the demons, all understand our time-space constraints, but they are not oriented that way. Rather, the whole point of divine revelation is pulling us into that realm, not bringing truth down to ours.

It was very good timing for a dear sister to ask me to share about spiritual discernment and demons. For the past couple of days I’ve sensed just how important that was, but only in the past hour or so did the meaning resolve itself to my mind. In a very real sense, the crap has hit the fan and we will see manifestations of demonic presence that we haven’t seen before.

This is not a call to arms in the human sense. There is no coordinated strategy, only tactics. The strategy is simply keeping in touch with each other, praying for each other, and living out the implications of what we have already learned. Claiming our divine heritage, our shalom, is our warfare.

That said, I do have some concrete plans. For example, when the series on the Teachings of Jesus run out, as it will soon, the next course will be a close examination of Biblical Law. This will be a review of pertinent bits from the Law of Moses, as an example of divine priorities.

The point of this is to gain a sense of certainty about what is good and right in rather concrete terms our minds can use. We are preparing our minds for ever improving our Kingdom service. When the mind is more consistently aligned with divine priorities, it’s a lot easier for the heart to speak of your convictions. You’ll be better able to hear; your fleshly assets will serve to amplify the Truth.

Don’t get the idea that we are locked in place in any way. The imagery of making all the tactical preparations for an attack is not appropriate. It’s been going on for a long time already. We aren’t trying to put in place our defensive posture, as if the last supply run has arrived and the battlefield is now active. We need to get away from that kind of feeling. As I’ve said often, it’s not like the economy is going to crash and grind to a halt.

But it will slow down and require you to be more creative. God will provide. There are things He will yet supply to those who serve Him. Stockpile stuff if your heart demands it, but don’t get locked into that mindset. What matters most is the stockpile of obedience to revelation.

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One Response to What You Know Is Right

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    “the next course will be a close examination of Biblical Law.”

    I approve of this idea. Biblical law gets a bad rap for various reasons, but it’s crucial for understanding how God works.

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