Draper Bikeway 20

It’s getting close! Here is a view back the way I came this morning, at the crossing over East Elm Creek below the dam. Both layers of asphalt have been laid. I can tell you that the section of trail from the previous dead end (the image looks back that way) up to the incline down from the eastern end of the dam (at my back) needs some drainage work. And I know that the crews will need to landscape and roll out the turf, but this section below the dam is now passable.

This is what the old dead-end portion looks like with all the sod rooted down. It sat like this most of a year, waiting for the crews to come back to work and start paving again. They’ve been at it pretty hard the past couple of weeks. There is now only a two-mile section between SE 104th and SE 134th that lacks the second layer of asphalt. I rode the entire loop today except one short section where they are laying the top coat of asphalt.

And just for fun, here’s a random image. It’s a view toward Downtown OKC from the shady strip along the river bank in Wiley Post Park. I lost two more images when I lost my phone today. Maybe I can get them back later.

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One Response to Draper Bikeway 20

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    Love the look of freshly-paved roads. A section of bad road near me was just repaved. It’s a tad more satisfying cycling vs driving over it.

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