Tag Archives: tribulation

Prophetic Word to the Aging

My Mom likes to share some of her emails with me because she knows I’ll have a reaction. Recently she passed along a message with 21 items of advice for folks aging and retired. I won’t copy it here because … Continue reading

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Tribulation for Sure

This is a prophetic warning. It’s useful only for those who feel led by the Lord to pay attention. Just a quick review first of the wider context. We’ve explained often enough what Biblical Law demands of us in terms … Continue reading

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Bits and Pieces 31

1. Yesterday’s post was not meant to be cryptic. I’ll select one example to explain. You have news that Trump wants to pull out of Syria ASAP. You also might see reports from the various generals and civilian warmongers that … Continue reading

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Worse Than They Know

Pay attention to the news. Not so much as to see what’s going on around you in the world, but to see the madness as it sets in like never before. Don’t take from the news what they are trying … Continue reading

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Bits and Pieces 30

My lower legs all scratched up from yesterday’s ride. Dragging a bike through heavy underbrush is not a recommended activity. But I still feel it was worth it to see that lovely shoreline. I’m trying to get used to working … Continue reading

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Another Unpleasant Burden

Our rejection of Western epistemology isn’t absolute; we reject the primacy of Aristotelian logic. We grasp the common standards of reason and logic. We use it ourselves, but we insist that it has limited application. Our reality is far bigger … Continue reading

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Bigger Than All of Us

This is a work in progress. I’m trying to gather together some threads that have pulled out of the fabric; at the same time, I’m trying to untangle some others. A good rug under your feet can turn shifting sands … Continue reading

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Keep on Doing What Is Right

Is it just me? A part of my prophetic gift is sensing the moral currents of both Heaven and this world. Right now the US is under a heavy spirit of exhaustion and apathy. It’s not just the fizzled protest … Continue reading

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Stir Up the Gift

Just a reminder: Prophecy doesn’t work the way most Westerners think it should. That’s why we have thousands of very real prophets who get no attention, and may well be deeply confused themselves. Meanwhile, Westerners keep chasing after a whole … Continue reading

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‘Tis the Season

Some you may remember I’ve mentioned my old post about Life Church being the single greatest traffic draw on this blog. It still is; that post five years ago still gets more hits than any other single post. As you … Continue reading

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