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Tag Archives: western civilization
The Pastor Is IN
Come on in! If you subscribe to my blog, or even if you just visit once in a while, I consider you a member of my parish. Not that I’m counting noses and boasting of the numbers, but it’s in … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged christian mysticism, church, government, mysticism, religion, tribulation, western christianity, western civilization
I Was Just Trying to Help
Let’s explore some of the implications of the Doctrine of Leverage and all my blather about Christlike charity and moral sacrifice. We understand the necessity of standing back and suffering the empathy of those who hurt without taking action because … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged Anglo-Saxon, arrogance, charity, civilization, culture, moral perception, psychology, resistance, society, western civilization
Tribulation Preparation
The saints of God will tribulate. Jesus warned that the same forces nailing Him to the Cross would not allow us to follow Him without some resistance. It’s not enough that those forces are within us to varying degrees, but … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged Christian religion, church, civilization, oppression, religion, spirituality, tribulation, western civilization
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Will to Resistance
My religion is not goal-oriented. The whole thing depends entirely on a sense of peace with God, something utterly nebulous and ineffable to the human mind. It simply is not possible for me to describe to you a structure for … Continue reading
Posted in religion
Tagged civilization, divine justice, divine revelation, epistemology, government, law, mysticism, peace with god, resistance, western civilization
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That Shepherd Character Thing
There’s a place for the shepherdess, but there is a huge, overwhelming need for men to rebel against social mythology. Guys, nothing in Christ’s teaching requires you to be nice all the time in every context. He cracked a whip; … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged civility, civilization, epistemology, game, harlot church, resistance, social mythology, spirituality, western civilization, Western mythology
Miracles versus Mythology
You aren’t cynical enough. Seen on Facebook today: two contrasting images vertically stacked proposing to offer some moral lesson. The top image was a trio of pubescent white girls facing the camera and tamely clowning a bit. The bottom image … Continue reading
Posted in religion
Tagged civilization, culture, society, spirituality, western civilization, Western mythology
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Information Activist
We could characterize the US Constitution’s 1st Amendment as: freedom of conscience, freedom of expression, freedom to assemble and express your conscience. The convention delegates didn’t use those terms because they were facing contextual problems that seemed more pressing than … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged ANE, computers, freedom of conscience, freedom of expression, internet, moral imperatives, quantum reality, western civilization, Western mythology
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Our Anomaly
Recently I spotted a couple more stories about archaeological evidence of previously unknown civilizations, or those that were far more developed than is currently acknowledged. Indications of highly advanced technology, though surely of a different kind than our own, offers … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged civilization, epistemology, intellect, philosophy, scripture, western christianity, western civilization
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Western Christianity is fighting the wrong battle. Being somewhat nerdy, I’ve read tons of fiction, including a whole library of futuristic science fiction and fantasy tales. Most of them are built on the typical Western mythology — little more than … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged Antichrist, civilization, culture, mysticism, oppression, parable, propaganda, war, western christianity, western civilization
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