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Tag Archives: western civilization
War on Revelation 02
We who seek to follow revelation understand that we will always be part of three worlds. First is the world as God intended it. That’s symbolized by the Garden of Eden, and is a higher realm outside the Curse of … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged divine revelation, feminism, Garden of Eden, patriarchy, sexual identity, the Fall, the Flaming Sword, western civilization
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The Fall of America 01
I sense the need to respond more broadly to some questions asked in private. Let me provide some context first as a sort of review. The US is doomed. America is under God’s wrath. Some of the cause for this … Continue reading
Posted in prophecy
Tagged Anglo-American culture, Biblical Law, Garden of Eden, human reason, Satan, the Fall, western christianity, western civilization
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Covenant Manhood 06
Men, if you think of yourself in terms of a knight in shining armor, you are serving a pagan god. I’m not going to drag this out; it will be condensed. When the German hordes invaded the Roman Empire starting … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged Anglo-American culture, Germanic tribes, history, idolatry, Middle Ages, Roman Catholic Church, western civilization
Religion versus Faith
Again: We cannot ape the ancient Hebrew society. We can learn from their ways and their covenant how to discern God’s moral character woven into Creation. Your own personal heart-led wisdom, and your sense of mission and calling for divine … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged covenant, epistemology, faith, heart-led, otherworldly, religion, western christianity, western civilization
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The Inevitable End of the West
Biblical Law is the Person of Christ. Get to know Him and you will know Biblical Law; this is the Covenant of Christ. It absolutely requires heart-led mysticism and spiritual birth. You are under that covenant when the Lord reaches … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged Biblical Law, Covenant of Christ, Covenant of Noah, covenants, Creation, divine election, feudalism, politics, racism, tribalism, western civilization
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Our Message Will Prosper
Let’s review: Globalism is the prettier and younger sister of the old hag, communism. They are both gold-digging materialists who waste everything they get their hands on so that everyone is left poorer. And then they demand more. Here in … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged education, entertainment, globalism, government bureaucracy, mainstream media, politics, SJWs, western civilization
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Constitutional Deception
There are few things more annoying than getting lost in debate with someone who believes the US Constitution is somehow sacred writ. First of all, on a legal level, the Constitution was a coup. It was the product of a … Continue reading
Posted in social sciences
Tagged Enlightenment philosophy, federal government, history, propaganda, western civilization
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The Blood Is Sacred
First, I refer you to a couple of references: Genesis 31:25-35 (emphasis on the last verse) and Christine’s post about feminine blood. Second, I remind you that a great deal of Moses’ Law pulled in existing ancient custom and belief. … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged ANE, Biblical Law, hebrew culture, Hebrew Scripture, human sexuality, Law of Moses, legalism, western civilization, women's health issues
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A Toothless Lion’s Roar
Were you aware that megachurches were suffering the same political turmoil as the rest of America? From time to time I’m asked to comment on this or that big scandal. First and foremost: The first churches in the New Testament … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged american churches, ANE, Biblical Law, Covenant of Christ, feudalism, mainstream christianity, Two Witnesses, western civilization
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He Doesn’t Get Tired of Us
There’s no way I can compel you to do it. If it doesn’t call your name and make you feel hungry and thirsty for all you can get, there’s nothing any one else can do to make it real for … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged government, heart-led, oppression, propaganda, radix fidem, western civilization
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