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Tag Archives: western civilization
Divine Amplification
We can never accurately predict actual outcomes. I am acquainted with the Social Sciences and the reasons they exist. It’s an attempt to analyze human behavior at large and quantify what goes in and what comes out. There is a … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged intellect, moral discernment, mysticism, scripture, sensory heart, social sciences, spirituality, western civilization
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It’s a question of dominion. You and I are permitted to take assertive action only within the boundaries of covenant. When it comes to social and political issues, the prevailing applicable covenant is Noah’s. We could easily get lost hashing … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged ANE, covenant, Covenant of Noah, faith, heart-mind, moral discernment, mysticism, otherworldly, western civilization
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Don’t Surrender Your Kids
It’s all finger-pointing and blame-shifting. The teachers complain that parents don’t know how to raise well-behaved children. Parents say the teachers spend more time with their kids than they do at home, which makes the teachers the dominant influence in … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged children, Creation, heart-led, human behavior, human development, moral discernment, psychology, social mythology, western civilization
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Ditch the Systematic Theology
“What must I do to be saved?” We see this question from the Philippian Jailer in Acts 16:30. The question itself arose from Greek culture. It became a figure of speech, so the actual meaning varies with the context. It … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged ANE, faith, heart-mind, hebrew literature, intellect, moral discernment, mysticism, philosophy, scripture, theology, western civilization
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Duty to Deceive
First, a little context: faith = convictions = heart-mind moral discernment. We’ve had two millennia of people abusing the word “faith” to mean an intellectual body of belief plus the actions arising from such belief. It goes back to that … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged bureaucracy, epistemology, heart-mind, intellect, mysticism, politics, propaganda, religion, war, western civilization
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What the Hell?
Some of you get it, but it seems there is enough confusion that I need to restate things for clarity. I use the English word “Hell.” If you have been paying attention, you’ll notice I use it in the vernacular … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged ANE, Creation, culture, epistemology, hebrew literature, intellect, languages, mortality, otherworldly, western civilization
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Our Crazy Ancient New Religion 6
You will fail. That is, lots of things you try won’t turn out as you expect. So the only wise course is to adjust your expectations. Turn failure into learning and learning into victory. I’ve done what I could in … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged epistemology, heart-mind, moral discernment, mysticism, religion, spirituality, western civilization
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Our Crazy Ancient New Religion 5
Three short items this time. One — Be aware that heart-led is not the same as spiritually awakened. So far as anyone can tell, the choice to use the sensory heart and connect your conscious awareness to the heart-mind is … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged heart-mind, moral discernment, mysticism, propaganda, sensory heart, spirituality, western civilization
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Ritual Abuse
When you claim it’s your religion to increase human suffering, it’s a demonic cult. I’m not going to engage here in a long-winded analysis of the whole thing, but it was a fresh wound on my soul and I must … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged culture, heart-mind, moral discernment, religion, western civilization
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