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Monthly Archives: January 2009
It’s All Personal
There is a fundamental sin behind the notion of corporations as legal persons. Human nature is such that, if we can dodge our individual culpability, we will. Until the consequences fall upon our personal heads, we do not change what … Continue reading
Great Ride in the Snow
There are good rides, and I have plenty of them. Most of my 10-milers into town are good, the rest are pretty decent. Only a couple in the four months so far have been very unpleasant. Then there are great … Continue reading
The Law of Stupidity
There was a time I would sit here at my computer with my mouth agape over some new expression of folly. After awhile, I got more used to it. So common is the lack of “common sense,” I’ve given up … Continue reading
One Last Chance
Regret. It echoed in his mind, with the not-quite-painful thud each time the back of his head rocked against the wall behind him. It occurred to him the rail beds were in no better shape than any other public infrastructure. … Continue reading
Best Audio CD Player on Lenny: Amarok
I love playing good classical music when I’m trying to think. Notice I don’t claim to actually succeed at thinking, but I do succeed at listening to music. It works best if you can find something capable of doing it … Continue reading
Israel and Gaza: Just a Sideshow
My time in the limelight has faded; the tools here on this blog indicate very few visits the last couple of days. I’ve had my 15 minutes it appears, and only a precious few friends are likely to read this. … Continue reading
CompSec: Another Doomsday Virus
I’m not a mindless fanboy. There are things about Linux which fail. Just now, as I was doing some research on this post, I ran into a website which caused a race condition on my Lenny box. I had to … Continue reading
Bible Logic — Like Nothing Else
Over the past few years, as I began to apprehend the logic behind the Bible, I realized increasingly just how difficult it is to put into words. That is, all my years of training and experience in writing with clarity, … Continue reading
The Net: Shared Resources and Trust
In a certain sense, there is no law on the Internet. Sure, there are things you can do with the Internet which will get you in trouble with some governments, but that’s invariably a matter of governments protecting their prerogatives … Continue reading
Personal Preference: Debian Lenny AMD64
A couple of months ago, one of my clients asked me why I liked Linux so much. We discussed things we liked and disliked about various operating systems. This was no clueless user, but she was searching the options for … Continue reading