Lost in the Political Haze

Even before President Obama was sworn in, political observers noted a tsunami of proposed changes which tend to characterize the shift from Republican to Democratic leadership. All the fears of the right-wing were flaming, and denunciations wafted to the sky like sparks from the bonfire. Those denunciations had just about as much impact as floating ashes, sometimes starting new fires, but mostly crumbling into stinking dust.

So even as Obama promised he would not confiscate guns wholesale, people went out and bought up enough to provide a fresh issue to our entire US military, and then some. That’s because his Attorney General is one of the loudest proponents of gun confiscation in US history. The warnings from the 2nd Amendment activists caught fire. However, the warnings about slavery — AKA military and civilian draft — aren’t getting much notice. That’s because too many Republicans are only token opposition by virtue of their love for the imperial state. There is also the standard noise about abortion, hiring quotas, support for/freedom of religion, editorial equal time, etc.

All of those things are very real problems. Obama is lying about guns; there will be attempts at confiscation. There will attempts to pass a draft for both military and civil service. Murder-in-the-womb will rise. Racial tensions will skyrocket (but not everywhere). Conservative talk radio will take a major hit, and perhaps disappear from its current venues. Those are all bad things. There will be some good things, too.

Meanwhile, over half the 50 states are making noise about the 10th Amendment. All the more so as state tax receipts decline and federal mandates increase. Whether it will amount to anything remains to be seen. From the other direction comes a massive wave of globalists who will drive madly toward the goal of bringing the US fully under international government. There is every reason to expect serious threats to your very life, not just all your property, during 2009. If for no other reason, such a threat will come from local crime as folks attempt various ways of maintaining their previously profligate lifestyle. You’ll see rape, pillage and plunder from both government and private thugs in your very own community.

All of this is bad enough, but it’s designed to distract you from something which will be worse in the long run. It most certainly won’t seem worse, simply because it’s both subtle and slow acting, while the above mess is rather immediate. You have to understand: The US has been set up for this turmoil from a long time ago. Neither timing nor particular details could be planned and predicted, but the general rise in chaos was all too easy to engineer. It requires no particular genius to realize when folks get scared and hungry, social stability goes away. The primary ingredient in social stability is whether folks can have their creature comforts. While it’s possible to develop a culture in which a primary virtue is suffering bad times with equanimity, it takes several generations of hard work. Destroying it takes only one generation.

That’s what has happened here in the US. The entire national economy was delivered by fiat into the hands of some folks who really don’t love us. By the leverage of that control, they purchased the destruction of what little national culture we had. What you see today is the result of careful cultivation, which began just about the time our oldest citizens were born. We have become a nation of slave-fruit ripe for the picking. It won’t matter how the harvest is performed.

It could be via a truly fascist government, coming at the end of a series of steady shifts in our government as a whole — Executive, Congress and Courts. To some degree, that sickness extends down into each state government, even unto the local governments. An example would be the change in police training; whereas they once strove to de-escalate tensions, they now strive to escalate every confrontation into the maximum by doing things carefully calculated to infuriate. The only friends of police in the community are those civilians who lick their boots. I can recall being trained in the opposite direction, to reach out, to cultivate friendship with everyone possible. I can also recall seeing the shift in philosophy when reading the new standards in law enforcement training theory.

Let’s assume the best for a moment, and envision a popular revolt. Maybe the people will rise up to throw off the yoke of fascism slowly growing on our necks. At the best, it will create a stalemate, because the feds hold the nukes and other horrific tools of oppression. While I doubt they would hesitate to turn those weapons on their subjects, let’s assume they don’t do so with any degree of success. Then the globalists will step in and rescue one side or the other — it really won’t matter, because the result will be the same. They can reinforce the crushing oppression of the current government, or they can be the savior of the people. Once that global government is in place, there’s no turning back.

Other scenarios are possible, some we can’t imagine. It won’t even matter if someone nukes the UN with all the bureaucrats in the buildings. Those are just the figure heads. The real power behind all this is somewhere else. They hide in the crowd of big names and faces who meet at Bilderberg conferences, in the Trilateral Commission meetings, the CFR, the Council for National Policy, the Club of Rome, and a hundred smaller organizations, think-tanks, foundations, and what have you. Somewhere in the press of people we recognize are some folks we don’t know so well. They want us all as their slaves, the entire human race. They’ll use anyone who is willing, and find ways to control an awful lot who aren’t willing. They are opportunists who keep their eyes on the goal of global slavery, and aren’t concerned how they get there.

They’ve been sponsoring, promoting funding all sorts of political movements. It matters not to them how most of these agendas are contradictory, mutually exclusive in goals. One or another will win at various points, and these sponsors already own every organization in the game. Examine it deeply enough, and you’ll find they even have ways to manipulate and limit those of us who know about them. They have steadily gained a measure of control over every human activity, at least in theory. If they really wanted to stop me writing blog posts like this, they could. Since very few take me seriously, I’m not worth their trouble. Yet. So it is with a lot of other bloggers and writers on and off the Net. Everything we touch has passed through their hands, in a manner of speaking, before we got it. Yes, even the entire arsenal of those underground super patriot types, those few controlling hands had a part in building that arsenal, could have stopped it had they really wanted. Since it is very unlikely they will face any bullets themselves, it wasn’t necessary. There are thousands of proxies to die for them.

Can they be stopped? Sure. They aren’t gods; their power is not absolute. It’s possible a significant number of them will be killed when things start popping in the near future. Calculating human behavior at any level can only be just so accurate. In my feeble imagination, I suspect they will miss their goals on this round. However, they are all too likely to come close, simply because so very many of us are distracted by things which are all too close and threatening on a lower level. We are demagogued to death all day long, buying into the shallow concerns of this or that political agenda, firmly believing these things matter ultimately. They matter, but not as much as we have been made to believe. What really matters is what comes after the dust has settled from the current political battles. Not many folks are thinking about that. They envision some Utopia, but it won’t come.

There is no agenda out there which would lead to the defeat of global slavery under these faceless masters of world banking. Bits and pieces of it can be seen under the label “crazy conspiracy theories” — the gold standard, less government of all kinds, ending public education, ending social funding, bringing the troops home, etc. Anything which returns us to that ancient standard under the Covenant of Noah is labeled too far-fetched, not possible, laughably improbable. Yet those are the only things we could do to stop them. I rather think too many of us prefer the soft slavery, not knowing the warm embrace of padded cocoons will become the spiked embrace of an iron maiden.

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