Trading on Craigslist

I finally decided I have no use for my eMac. It just sits there. I don’t do Mac. It’s okay, but it doesn’t work the way I do, so I’m going to find it a new home.

Over the years, I’ve done okay playing with Craigslist. I got rid of a camper shell a while back, and found a decent used minivan. So now I’m trying to get rid of my eMac. I’m not interested in selling it; I’m trying to trade it for a good laptop.

I have a need for something capable of running Win2K with a little room left over, so I asked for something at least 500Mhz and 256MB RAM. The thing I need most is something solid, reliable. I got a nibble within hours, but that was a bum steer. The poor guy misread thinking I was trying to dump a Macbook.

We’ll see how this goes. Too many people are trying hard to sell systems, and almost no one is seeking one.

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2 Responses to Trading on Craigslist

  1. Mark says:

    Congrats Ed, I guess you have proved that you can “think differently.” 😉

    BTW, good luck on the swap.

  2. Alas, poor eMac. Ed hardly knew ye. :p

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