Global Elite Goals

Keep in mind, this is at best an educated guess. I’m abstracting what appears to be the goals of the global elite from published data, and partly from simple observation. On occasion, you’ll find a blunt confession, such as the willingness to use food as a weapon to compel nations to submit. Most of the time, you have to ignore what they publish, and simply watch what they fund and promote. Sometimes you have to simply take a long view of what they’ve done. Aside from taking control in one way or another of the entire world, several items emerge.

1. At least half the world’s population must die. I don’t think anyone is surprised this means darker-skinned races go first. It’s not racism as popularly defined, but contempt for any race which breeds too thickly. The methods include war, manipulation of agriculture (via the likes of Monsanto and GMO), weather manipulation (as much as possible), select forms of pollution, restrictions on nutrition and health care, etc.

2. Urban packing for the rest. The habit of laying aside land preserved from development is a major push. This should be seen as a means of control, to prevent independence of any form. The human race at large is useful as economic production units, and that means virtually everyone in the cities. They aren’t quite as green as the ecology extremists, but they use the watermelons commies to push things in their preferred direction.

3. The complete dissolution of any traditional social structures. In particular, the nuclear family must disappear. The best way to maintain control is to keep everyone isolated, with a sort of artificial sense of identity. People who live in families are too likely to fight for the family’s sake. The same goes for any instinctive grouping, to be replaced with something imposed artificially. Mostly, it is essential everyone be consumed with self-interest.

4. Religion must become empty, fake. True believers in anything are dangerous. A part of this is degrading morals across the board, because morality and religious belief build too much genuine self-respect, another element in identity. Independence and self-reliance are a serious threat to the elite agenda. Genuine religious practices must be crowded out with mind-numbing entertainment.

5. All information must be controlled. The Internet as it currently exists undermines their control. They already own virtually every mainstream media outlet. Keeping the hidden facts hidden means marginalizing as kooks anyone who tries to communicate anything but the recommended pablum. However, it has already been shown a powerful minority are still coalescing around honest inquiry and rejection of the official propaganda. There will be multiple attacks to rein in Internet communications, including: conglomeration of all ISPs into big corporations which can be forced to play by elitist rules, regulation from various angles, attacking Open Source software because it can’t be controlled, requiring backdoors in commercial operating systems, monopoly pressure on hardware manufacturers to build more backdoors, etc.

In general, the nightmarish fiction depicting a rather drab “hive” existence is close to the real plans.

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