Major Trail Work Today

I managed to devote a solid three hours to the trail today. The day the tornadoes raked across this state, I had about a half-hour just to break down a large pile of dead-fall limbs, part of last winter’s ice storm. Today I plunged ahead and added nearly 100 yards. This put me through this fourth patch of woods and almost back out in the open.

I explained last time I missed my target and ran into a little pocket of woods, so decided to keep going and cross back over into the northern extent of the central woodlot. Today, at the expense of much stiffness in the upper torso, I hacked my way through the little woodlot to the point just before it drops down into a swamp.

Once across the open swath, I have some more woods there, then probably some field and thorn patches. The work will change from clearing limbs and underbrush, to mowing grass and nibbling through thorns. It’s actually quite a bit harder than simple hacking.

Just a bit more and we’ll have a solid half-mile of trail on the west side of the loop.

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