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Monthly Archives: July 2009
Hype, Hysteria, or Intel?
It’s pretty rare I would post twice on the same day, yet here it is. Apparently this business of the H1N1 flu virus is really jangling raw nerves. There is plenty of reason to believe it’s a designer virus, and … Continue reading
Posted in globalism, health
Tagged government, medicine, resistance
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Religious Music Woes
Why do so few overtly Christian songs break through commercially? How come there aren’t any powerful musical accomplishments among Christian musicians to rival, say, the long string of major hits by the Eagles? So I’ve been asked at times. First, … Continue reading
Truth Is No Threat
Loose lips sink ships. But only if the government owning the ships has rejected God. So let me propose a counter sound-bite: “Truth is no threat to the honest.” Secrecy assumes there is no God. The Lord promised Israel if … Continue reading
Ethics of Resistance
First off, nothing in Noah’s Covenant or the rest of the Bible requires you to resist. If you want to play along and believe God wants that from you, by all means, play along. You do have to reconsider when … Continue reading
Turning Point
A parable of internal debate and resolve. There were scars visible on his hands and forearms. It was obvious he had tried it before, and the scars were proof of both past failures and current resolve. It was not science, … Continue reading
Babylon Is Fallen
While there is an element of theology here, making it seem more appropriate to my other blog, there is a particular call for action under Noah which does not require a spiritual grasp to get it. Babylon is the symbolic … Continue reading
Bogus Health Care Racket
Around here where I live, people have begun discovering what a racket this public health care can be. At the outer edges of the “low income health care delivery system” is a host of little clinics which sometimes actually do … Continue reading
Better Than Horoscope
It is not necessary to be spiritual to get a word from God on things. Consider: Under Moses, the designated priests could get a word from God regardless of their spiritual condition. All they needed was ritual adherence. There were, … Continue reading
Posted in religion
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Haiku OS Progressing
I’m still running Debian Etch because just about everything else so far has failed me. Most of the more recent Linux distributions are utterly unusable on this old laptop. But as the final days of Etch tick down, it seems … Continue reading