Line in the Sands of Time, Continued

This continues yesterday’s post. By now, it should be clearly established how utterly illegitimate is the current ruling regime in the eyes of God. Not only do the laws of the land directly attack what He requires under the Law Covenants, but our entire Western culture seems designed to prevent us even understanding those covenants. The government, and all major industries, are complicit in making this culture all the more so. The very essence of obedience to God, and loyalty to His Laws, make you a rebel and criminal. While there may be tactical reasons for going with the flow at some points, you will invariably come to the place where you have to  say, “No, I will not do that.”

In the broad sense of God’s standards, there is no sin in resisting the will of the US government.

Keep in mind, this thing called “government” is not some objective entity, as we are taught to believe. Government is people, people who have separated themselves from any personal liability in carrying out whatever policy seems to please the various dreams and aspirations of some particular ruling class. That those who govern are scarcely aware of the will of the governed, nor inclined to pay them any mind, is manifestly obvious. These people don’t care what you want or need; they will decide what you need and you darned sure better like it.

So when that American battle flag is marched before you, the slightest hesitation in falling down to worship this emblem of the State is justification for all manner of vilification. Should you pretend the Cross is a higher symbol of a higher Realm, you should expect to be oppressed. Should you dare to suggest the Cross of Christ demands something other than the will of the governing class, you are a branded a heretic, even by the folks who fill most churches.

You know where this is leading: Do not volunteer to serve in the government, to include in the military forces. As a general principle, such service is placing yourself under the authority of Christ’s enemies. By no means do I suggest military service itself is sinful. Military service under the current regime is a sin. There was a time I would have said if you felt called, go enlist or whatever. I can’t say that any more. That’s because you cannot make that choice without committing yourself to the vast evil enterprise of our current senseless wars.

You’ve read about the Israeli ships steaming into the Persian Gulf? After all the sabre-rattling of the past few years, only a fool would imagine it’s just a training cruise. And only a bigger fool would imagine any action by Israeli war craft against Iran won’t suck us into it. Don’t pay any attention to what the various mouthpieces in the US government say. Look at what they do. They keep sending those huge checks to Israel, tons of advanced munitions, etc. We keep Israel under the paint job of sainthood.

Never mind how big the lies about Iran’s nuclear ambitions — we can’t afford it! Not only does all this warfare drain the treasury, but it’s sucking in the lives of our most productive people. Not just the body bags, but the vast numbers crippled in mind and body. Now, volunteers are one thing; if their conscience allows them to go, let them. But it will simply be utterly impossible for us to support a war against Iran, much less actually invade, without a draft. Can’t be done. The military doesn’t have enough troops for the current commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan. All the Draft Boards have been reactivated recently. Yep, they are geared up to turn on that huge sucking machinery.

If you have already registered for the draft, prepare to avoid it. If you have not, consider ways to avoid that. Get some practical advice. If it involves your kids, do all in your power to stop it. To paraphrase Vox Day, “Render not your children unto Caesar.” In this case, it’s tantamount to tossing them in the arms of the glowing idol to Molech. In recent decades, no significant portion of our military activity has actually done anything to defend us and make us safer. Quite the contrary; we have created a bunch of new enemies by our senseless failure to protect the innocent.

This is not the same as counseling hostility to the troops. Don’t forget the basic, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” For believers, that includes, “Love your enemies.” Pity them, comfort them, but don’t support their mission. You’ll have to work out for yourself where to draw the line in the sand.

But that there should be a line drawn in the sand is not up for discussion. Military draft resistance is not a sin.

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