Forest of Deceptions

Let me give you a hint. Reality, the Ultimate Truth of “Life, the Universe and Everything,” can never be objectified. To speak of it as something is utterly misleading, because it’s a someone — a Person. In our lore, persons are flighty, variable things, and we aren’t comfortable with depending on a Person for everything. We want something solid, objective, even if ever so impossible to know. We like the idea it remains unchanged and unchanging, because to imbue it with life associates in our culture with variability, untrustworthiness. Yet, Truth is by nature paradoxical. Truth is the Unchanging Person, the Ultimately Trustworthy Living Being.

What that means is when you come back to measure your understanding of things against the touchstone of all Reality, you may not get consistent results. Actually, the problem lies within us, and our limitations for understanding. Regardless of acknowledgments we don’t yet get it all, there is some assumption we could, in theory at least, some day get it. Won’t happen. Ever.

There is a God, and none of us is Him.

However, He has promised to help us gain just enough of what it takes to make Him happy with us if we simply pay attention to Him. In other words, comparing our understanding with the standard of ultimate truth requires we maintain the awareness everything is personal. Ultimate objective reality is a chimera. You’ll have enough to walk on solid footing, but you aren’t permitted to even imagine you’ll one day really understand it. That comes only when there are no more days — AKA, the End of Time. The big lie of “objective reality” is a part of the prison in which most people live. We want the facts so we can decide for ourselves the importance of things. And we will never get them that way.

Got that?

Now, digging for facts is not a waste of time, as long as you remember they are only indicators of importance. For example, you and I should realize by now there is an awful lot of people in the world who want things which will ultimately hurt you and I, and they seem to be making progress in getting them. On the one hand, just saying, “Satan rules the world” can be dismissive in itself. Who could argue with that? So, on the other hand, we do lots of research trying to find out whom Satan is using to get the job done. We want to flesh out the observable reality to make the threat more real in our minds. We find there is a nebulous group of people who operate on some level of malicious genius we can’t match head to head. We might know some names, but it seems the genius is not confined to individuals, but is shared across this mysterious group, and across multiple generations of them.

We talk about the Illuminati, the Bilderberg Conference, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, Freemasons, Communists, and on it goes. On the list of favorites is Bohemian Grove. Let me assure you, I seriously question some of the allegations regarding that meeting which happens to be going on right now, this week. It’s not a complete waste of time surveying the facts and allegations, but it is if you plan to act on those facts. As with all such things, what really matters is not the facts, but what they signify. The whole event is symbolic anyway, but for those of us who embrace Truth as a Person, it serves as a parable of what matters, a mere pointer.

Fundamental to current Satanic efforts to control Western Civilization is the Blackmail Principle. It’s not as simple as it seems, because it assumes and underlying common moral standard. The trick is to build a fake one. God’s standards regarding human sexuality are expressed quite matter-of-factly, yet are quite prudish. The fake standards make bogus assertions which appear to match God’s standards, but only if you assume an utterly childish, shallow understanding of it. This takes us back to the false idea truth can be objectified, because the notion we can formulate absolute rules assumes there is no God. Formulating concrete social mores is actually mocking the personal accountability we all have to the living God. It’s a shortcut. It’s choosing to avoid Him and His commands by cooking up some artificial construct so we can nail it down and quit worrying about it. “Here, God; take it or leave it!” I’m sure He’s really impressed with that.

So we have this lingering phony Victorian veneer of prudery, utterly impossible to maintain without serious neurosis. Which is precisely the goal. You can be wacko or you can get real and get down-n-dirty. It’s a false dichotomy, designed to make us all schizophrenic to the core. And even when people wisely seek to moderate the polarity, they still end up buying into the basic assumptions of one side or the other — people must be either animals, angels, or a mixture of the two. God’s true standard is buried under a thousand flavors of falsehood. With the best of intentions, even truly devoted Christians stumble into marriage with a massive collection of neuroses they may never untangle, and attend a hundred Marriage Enrichment seminars, all without ever finding the Ultimate Truth, because the underlying assumptions are false.

Thus, even the best of God’s servants are ripe for blackmail. Somewhere is that one chink in their armor which can be exploited, sold to them one way or another, and they fall into temptation. Just getting them that far is a mighty victory, but way too many surrender just enough to be trapped. Someone has that one bit of leverage over them, to either ruin them or enslave them, and most often both. The importance of Bohemian Grove is in revealing to us the one basic point of failure in Western society, particularly America: sex. And across the whole gamut of conspiracy studies, we keep running into that one element of human nature: Sabatean Franks are obsessed with sex as a religious act, openly Satanic cults and many pagan religions feature sex as a major element of religious practice, sex becomes a major element in every public downfall of religious leaders, pornography is often on the leading edge of Internet technology, etc. Across the board, in every sector of our modern culture, sex is a fundamental consideration, blown out of proportion, turned into a god itself. In a perverse way, it remains the god of Victorian prudery.

It would take a book or two to correct the false understanding we have about human mating. We keep reading our false assumptions back into the Bible, so we end up with a crippled grasp of it. The main mistake is making it so significant, even as we tend to cheapen it. Maybe some day I’ll write that book, but it will have to come after several others, building a foundation of understanding which peels away the vast lies which constitute our Western culture and epistemology. Meanwhile, let me warn you: When you gaze upon the political class, know in your heart of hearts, rarely does any person join that club without moral compromises, particularly sexual in nature. The mechanisms of the system by which people take positions of power in the US make it nearly impossible for honest people to get in the door. As you look at the faces in the news, you can bet the vast majority have compromised somewhere, and has a sexual Sword of Damocles over their heads.

On a lower scale, your one best hope for obeying God is remaining entirely skeptical of all human government. The Apostles were not joking when they suggested total abstinence was a reasonable consideration in this fallen world. The one greatest key in our world to your ultimate freedom from evil domination is sexual purity on God’s terms.

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