Killer Kings

The concept of “king” as a ruler arises historically from the function of warlord. A people would not reasonably surrender that much power to a single individual if there were no threats. Typically, someone is granted emergency power, uses it, then fails to yield it back to the people. They make their position permanent, then hereditary.

That ploy has continued as the means to seize power. Since modern democratic governments rely on the fiction of “consent of the governed,” it becomes necessary to create on-going threats and tensions to justify keeping rights and liberties curtailed. Eventually, every surrender of power from the people to the government is institutionalized, layer upon layer, until the people are simply slaves.

When people catch on to this, they eventually revolt and kill their government figures. Then the cycle begins anew. Almost no government in past few centuries, and many going back a couple of millennia or more, has been content to oversee a placid people with significant liberties. When there is no genuine threat, one must be created. So today we have in the US the fake Wars on (fill in the blank) to justify any number of mounting encroachments on liberties, every one of them in defiance of clear constitutional limits. That sort of propaganda and tyranny began almost immediately after the Constitution was officially adopted, led in part by some of the same men who debated and wrote it. We traded English tyrants for American, who were in many ways worse.

Today it has evolved. For example, we have a bunch of government funded biology labs creating new diseases, which is called “research” — biological warfare agents. The Anthrax scare just before 9-11? Military grade stuff from an American bio-warfare lab. Only five people died, but the panic was huge. It became the excuse for selling vast quantities of Anthrax vaccine, which military people were forced to take, essentially at gun-point. Many were sickened, quite a few are permanently disabled, and all too many died from the vaccine — more than were ever killed by the Anthrax. Is there anyone too stupid to see the link? The vaccine makers got rich, and kicked back a lot to the whomever gave the orders.

So now we have a frankenflu virus, and a very obvious setup with flu vaccine makers, with their own newly minted immunity to lawsuits. Yeah; it stinks to high heaven. There’s only one thing worse: There are a whole host of new biowarfare weapons being cooked up in those labs, and we American citizens who dare to complain of these shenanigans will become the targets. We should be expecting the selective release of new treatment-resistant diseases, or you can take the expensive government cure, which has often turned out to be worse than the threat.

Welcome to the brave new world, Slave.

There is only one way these criminals will stop. Armed revolt only starts it over again, so that won’t work. What really works is simply refusing to go along with it. When no one obeys the government, it’s no longer the government. Of course, this requires a very broad change in cultural assumptions, but I’ve been harping on that for a long time here. This is just one more reason.

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